In the spotlight (part 5): Johnny Sandin and Stefan Norgren


May 14, 2007
The idea: each week we'll place a SW-member in the spotlight and share/discuss our feelings and thoughts regarding his playing.

Last in line: Johnny Sandin and Stefan Norgren

Obviously, a little weird one to end the 'Spotlight-thread':
Johnny's no longer in the band but his '4-album-legacy' surely is something to discuss and talk about!
Stefan's new in the band but I'm sure some of us have already seen Stefan play live during one of the last three live dates.

So, what do you think of Johnny's drumming and what are your favourite parts?
And, if you've seen/hear Stefan play, what are your thoughts about his playing and adding his own style/touch to the songs?
Johnny is a very good drummer, strong and full of feelings

I've not heard of Stefan yet so I couldn't say anything about, sorry
I can say this much about Stefan: if he was able to learn a majority of the SW catalog in as short of an amount of time as he seems to have been given...he has some real skill! I've been listening to Seventh Wonder for well over 2 years now and the only song I can play (I'm a drummer) is Welcome to Mercy Falls. Johnny really has a knack for progressive rock/metal drumming and showed it on nearly every song! And as far as I can tell he only got better from album to album. It takes a lot of work to play in the genre, much less do it in time. He's fast, technical, versatile, and yet I never felt as if the drums were arrogant or overdone. Johnny is the kind of musician who brings respect to an instrument and makes me proud to drum, and if Stefan can play anywhere near as good (which with what little I have seen, he sure can) as Johnny, then...well, I'm looking forward to album five that much more!

Also, Johnny seemed very silly. I never got to meet the guy, but the studio footage certainly showed it.
I really like Johnny's drumming. It went so well with the music, and it sounds very impressive. I especially like the outro in King of Whitewater with the cool drum part. I think there's something similar to it in The Black Parade, and I like that as well. Everything just sounds natural and not too forced.

I can't say anything about Stefan, as I haven't seen SW live.
...Johnny really has a knack for progressive rock/metal drumming and showed it on nearly every song! And as far as I can tell he only got better from album to album. It takes a lot of work to play in the genre, much less do it in time. He's fast, technical, versatile, and yet I never felt as if the drums were arrogant or overdone.... Also, Johnny seemed very silly. I never got to meet the guy, but the studio footage certainly showed it.

Agreed, including the aspect of Johnny's sillyness :p!
Seeing Johnny perform on stage was always great fun, the man's a beast and always gave it all during every gig!

Regarding Stefan:
I had the fortune of seeing Stefan perform during their 'ProgPower Europe'-show. The vids from the two shows before that one already showed his amazing skills. Seeing him play live was even better: Stefan fits in perfectly!
I loved how he gave his own style to the songs but also keeping in mind the identity of some of the special parts (like in Alley Cat: the 4 hard hits in Kyrt's keyboard solo).
Besides being a very nice guy (:wave:), it was also very nice to see/hear that he is a very good pianoplayer and singer as well!
Oh, my! All these guys are so multi-talented. With all their different abilities, I would really love to see them mix up their parts and instruments sometime. As far as Johnny and Stefan are concerned, they both seem amazing to me, but I've only ever seen a few YouTube videos. Since I am not a musician, I have nothing technical to add, except that both of them rock my world!
Thanks for the kind words and for having confidence in me to "carry the torch".. You inspire me to record some kick ass drum tracks on the next album for sure!
Thumbs up Stefan !!!!. I didn't have the chance to SW live, except for a few youtube videos, but I´m confident that you can keep the magic. I´m a progressive drummer too, and I perfectly understand the huge work you have to do, learning all Johnny´s lines and create the new ones. This genre is not easy to play, not only technically speaking but also musically. Hope to see SW someday, in my country, Argentina, or some other place.
Keep the fire burning !