..In the vein of.....

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well, i'd say Unleashed.

In the vein of AA means what? Lyrics and music?
Unfortunately, not many melo death bands have vikings lyrics, thats why the closest band i can think of is unleashed which is just normal death metal with viking related lyrics.

Then, musically, you got all these melodic death metal bands which are more or less close to Amon Amarth: Mors Principium Est, old In Flames, old Dark Tranquility, old Arch Enemy and whatever.

Lyrically, you got the real Viking metal bands like Falkenbach, Enslaved, Bathory and even Kampfar to name just a few.

But AA is unique! an alliance of heavy melodic death metal with appropriate Viking-warrior lyrics. No band can match them! no band has copied them for all i know! :)
yep unleashed owns, but i was thinking about viking metal such as manegram and stuff
im pretty sure i know what hes gettin at, deathmetal with viking influences, there arent many bands like that around. I mean you get folky sorta bands such as Falkenback, Turisas, Tyr etc...which have the VIking influences, but not a lot of Brutality. Thats why some of you cunts on this board need to start an AA Tribute band and then start writing your own material down the track, just make sure its heavily influenced by AA haha.
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