Incoming NAD (Bogner/Marshall)

Lasse Lammert

HCAF Blitzkrieg
Feb 12, 2009
I do not own the Pittbull anymore :(
I had to trade it and an sm57 for this beast....I know, you'll say it's nuts, and that the pitti is worth more than the new amp....but my (soon) new amp is rare and VERY hard to come by.

anyways, it's a '83 JCM800 modded by Reinhold Bogner himself (modded in 89).
kinda an Überschall pre protoype I guess....dunno.
I haven't even heard it yet (should be here early next week), but I doubt it'll kick less ass than a professional ass kicker.
cannae wait to try this fucker.

It looks a bit messy atm, my plan is to re-tolex it white with a black front and put some dome speed knobs on it, guess it'll look sexy then...
anyways, here are the pics:






it arrived today :)
the loop seems to be defect, but everything else seems to be working as it should.

this amp is really noisy (hum), but nothing that'd make it unusable.

It is ULTRA tight and sound better w/o a TS (TS is just too much for this amp).
it's also very middy, mids above 3 lead to a very middy/honky tone (perfect for solos though), the effect of the mid pot between 0 and 2 is immense, that's where most of the rhythm tones lie...a different pot taper would have helped I guess. (I'm having treble and bass on 7, mids on 1.5 and it's still VERY middy).

this amp has more gain than ANYONE could ever need...without a TS I'm having the preamp gain on 2.5 for ultrasaturated distortion (think Recto with gain on 4:00, 5150 with red channel gain on 6 or so).
The center frequencies of the pots seem to have been changed by bogner, the mids are lower and all seems to be in a more usable range.

The cleanchannel sound pretty good, haven't tried it much though.

The Distortion is extreme fat, chewy and juicy, not the clearest/most modern though, definitely still spounds like a really hot hot hot marshall....reminds me a bit of the tone I got from the 2210, just bigger/chunkier.

This is NOT a sound most sneapsters will like, it's completely different from Recto, etc and it actually sound really different than the Überschall also.
solo'd I fin de guitarsound a bit too middy/mushy atm, but it seems to be sitting well in the mix.
I can totally see this amp being used for lots of unique tones, not for the typical sneapish tone though.

clips will follow.

EDIT: this "review" is through the Mesa cab, I think this amp was made for t75 cabs or even the bogner v30/t75 blend....will try that later
it arrived today :)
the loop seems to be defect, but everything else seems to be working as it should.

this amp is really noisy (hum), but nothing that'd make it unusable.

It is ULTRA tight and sound better w/o a TS (TS is just too much for this amp).
it's also very middy, mids above 3 lead to a very middy/honky tone (perfect for solos though), the effect of the mid pot between 1 and 2.5 is immense, that's where most of the rhythm tones lie...a different pot taper would have helped I guess.

this amp has more gain than ANYONE could ever need...without a TS I'm having the preamp gain on 2.5 for ultrasaturated distortion (think Recto with gain on 4:00, 5150 with red channel gain on 6 or so).
The center frequencies of the pots seem to have been changed by bogner, the mids are lower and all seems to be in a more usable range.

The cleanchannel sound pretty good, haven't tried it much though.

The Distortion is extreme fat, chewy and juicy, not the clearest/most modern though, definitely still spounds like a really hot hot hot marshall....reminds me a bit of the tone I got from the 2210, just bigger/chunkier.

This is NOT a sound most sneapsters will like, it's completely different from Recto, etc and it actually sound really different than the Überschall also.
solo'd I fin de guitarsound a bit too middy/mushy atm, but it seems to be sitting well in the mix.
I can totally see this amp being used for lots of unique tones, not for the typical sneapish tone though.

clips will follow.

Seems to be one hell of a beast!
I love it when amps have enough gain/are tight enough w/o TS

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