Increase in Bearanoia imminent


Nov 8, 2001
New York City
"Timothy Treadwell, 46, and girlfriend Amie Huguenard, 37, were killed and partially eaten by a bear or bears near Kaflia Bay, about 300 miles southwest of Anchorage, earlier this week... The fearless former drug addict from Malibu, Calif. -- who routinely eased up close to bears to chant 'I love you' in a high-pitched, sing-song voice -- was the subject of a show on the Discovery Channel and a report on Dateline NBC... 'I told him to be much more cautious... because every time a bear kills somebody, there is a big increase in bearanoia and bears get killed,' Miller said. 'I thought that would be a way of getting to him, and his response was "I would be honored to end up in bear scat."' A number of other people said that over the years Treadwell made similar comments to them, implying that he would prefer to die as part of a bear's meal."

A self-proclaimed eco-warrior, he attracted something of a cult following too. Chuck Bartlebaugh of "Be Bear Aware,'' a national bear awareness campaign, called Treadwell one of the leaders of a group of people engaged in "a trend to promote getting close to bears to show they were not dangerous.

Also, there was AN AUDIOTAPE of his last six minutes, including screams and pleas.
It is believed the camera was turned on just before Timothy Treadwell, 46, was attacked.

His girlfriend Amie Huguenard, 37, was also mauled to death.

The recording is audio only – the screen is blank for all six minutes.

"They're both screaming. She's telling him to play dead, then it changes to fighting back," said trooper Chris Hill, who found the dead couple.

"He asks her to hit the bear. There's so much noise going on. I don't know what's him and what might be an animal. It's pretty disturbing. I keep hearing it in my mind."

The bodies of Treadwell and Huguenard, both of Malibu, California, were found on Monday at Katmai National Park on the Alaska Peninsula.

Treadwell was co-author of Among Grizzlies: Living With Wild Bears in Alaska.

He was known for approaching, even touching, bears in the wild.

Two years ago, on the Late Show with David Letterman, he described the bears as harmless "party animals".

They shot the animal and later killed a smaller bear that was apparently stalking them. (this seems to me to indicate a rogue band of human-hating bears...who are striking back at their oppressors. Kind of a bear liberation army, if you will)

Trooper Hill said he was stunned by what he heard on the tape.

"The audio starts while he's being mauled and ends while he's being mauled," he said.

Treadwell may have heard a bear and asked Huguenard to turn on the camera, which was found with the lens cap on and packed in a camera bag, Mr Hill said. "At first, she sounds kind of surprised and asks if it's still out there. I'm not sure if she was asking if a bear was outside their tent or in the brush.

these bears look stoned to me.