indecisive about production "vibe" - any pointers?


Jul 27, 2005
hey folks,

i'm sort of stuck in a rut right now.

basically, we'll start tracking my bands full length later this month. it will also be mixed by me - professionally mastered though.
we'll be tracking everything DI first so no harm will be done at this stage so to speak.
the thing is, i'm just out of ideas what the overall vibe of the record should be like....what will fit the music best.
this is rather difficult for me as the material is quite different from each other.

if you'd like to do me a favour, head over to
the first three songs in the player will all be part of the new album.
while the first two aren't that different style wise, i think the third "wrath defied" is quite a bit so! and some of the other material is even more different, with jazzy parts, some neoclassic death passages, some slam death's proggy death metal basically.
therefore, i'm struggling with trying to find a production (esp guitar tone) that will fit all of those.

one of the problems is that i'm quite indecisive in general....i'll start referencing e.g. chimaira resurrection, and later in the mix check out organic hallucinosis, and i'll be like these guitars need less mids, more HF presence etc....and change direction midway through the song basically.
i'm also constantly listening to music in the car, studio, whatever, and go like wow this production is great, this is what we should sound like....same thing will happen with another album know what i'm trying to say here? :)

so, if any of you wanted to do me a favor, please check out those songs and just tell me your gut feeling what kinda album the stuff should be reminiscent of...let's say this godless endeavor, hate eternal i monarch, whatever you guys think.

also, any pointers how to approach the mix-reference issue described above would be greatly appreciated :)

well, i guess in the end it just comes down to me being too involved in the whole process....i can definitely see the benefit of being just producing/mixing - i don't have these problems when doing other bands strangely enough. it's just for my own band that i'm struggling with finding a direction...