Indian man beheads daughter in rage over lifestyle Read more:

Genius Gone Insane

Aug 19, 2003
San Francisco Bay Area
www. ̄\(°_o)
I need to move to India where women know their role.

(06-18) 05:14 PDT JAIPUR, India (AP) --

Police say a man upset over his daughter's lifestyle chopped her head off with a sword and then paraded it through his village before surrendering to authorities in western India.

Marble miner Ogad Singh's 20-year-old daughter had been living with her parents in the Rajasthani village of Dungarji after leaving her husband two years ago.

Police Superintendent Umesh Ojha says Singh was upset by his daughter having affairs with men, and became enraged when she eloped with one of them two weeks ago.

Ojha says Singh forced her to return home Sunday, and beheaded her Monday with a sword.

Rapidly modernizing India faces increasing social clashes as youths resist traditions like arranged marriage or limits on women venturing outside their parents' or husbands' homes.

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Honor killings and the like are pretty much imbedded in Middle Eastern and Southwest Asian cultures. To a lesser extent, it exists in the East as well.


This story is from the US:,8599,2055445,00.html

This is in Canada:

Multiple cases have also been reported in the British Isles.

And a related note:
Ugh, fucking animals. Sometimes I think it's okay that America goes and blows up these countries.
Ugh, fucking animals. Sometimes I think it's okay that America goes and blows up these countries.

Where the fuck did that come from? Have you ever been to India? I'd value them higher over the average American state any day. One lunatic in a culture of millions doesn't make the whole lot savages. Hell, I've seen Americans reported on doing a LOT worse.
Where the fuck did that come from? Have you ever been to India? I'd value them higher over the average American state any day. One lunatic in a culture of millions doesn't make the whole lot savages. Hell, I've seen Americans reported on doing a LOT worse.

For whatever reason I temporarily thought that India was associated with Muslim countries, my b.
I don't think the father who chopped off his own daughter's fucking head with a sword was under the influence of any mind altering substances. He did it cause he wanted to and then paraded her head through his village to brag about what he did

Don't be stupid ... There's quite a difference regardless of how fucked up the other incident was
Where the fuck did that come from? Have you ever been to India? I'd value them higher over the average American state any day. One lunatic in a culture of millions doesn't make the whole lot savages. Hell, I've seen Americans reported on doing a LOT worse.

Unless you know from 1st hand experience you shouldn't be so quick to talk shit

Isn't that what fired you up in the 1st place?
I don't think the father who chopped off his own daughter's fucking head with a sword was under the influence of any mind altering substances. He did it cause he wanted to and then paraded her head through his village to brag about what he did

Don't be stupid ... There's quite a difference regardless of how fucked up the other incident was

Someone could argue the case of drug use all the same as some fucked up 'cultural background' to pass judgement and hate on an entire country, based on the action of a single individual.
That would be a weak ass argument because you'd have to say the guy (or any person per "cultural background") was taking drugs with the intent to physically mutilate another person
That would be either hard to deny or to prove.

In any case, I was making reference to the 'blow em'all' remark.
Damn Chris err it wasn't them. This time.

That's some fucked up shit. I never did get the whole control everything in your family's life or I'll chop your head off thing.

Something like that happened not long ago somewhere in England. Indian family : The parents killed their daughter only because she wanted to live like an english woman, she was quite young and they killed her.
And it's always for the same fucking reason : she was giving the family a bad name ????!!

Oh yeah so killing your own daughter makes it up for your family's name and honour... So much better indeed !...
They've still got a fucked up hierarchical viewpoint of society in some parts of India. This is a prime example of a serious issue that feminists should be tackling.