Indian man beheads daughter in rage over lifestyle Read more:

I don't want to keep this going but in answer to this question ... so far in the last year or so, I've probably heard or read about 4 different cases. I don't watch news too much or read it, just what headlines and shit I see when I check my email in the morning or what I hear about through here or facebook. But yeah, I can say probably about 4 that I've heard about. I think the most recent aside from the 2 we were discussing was some dude who shot is sister and her boyfriend while they were sleeping.

Thats it, just wanted to answer your question

yeah i don't want to keep this going either, but you did prove my point :p
If someone who admittedly doesn't hunt down news every day from multiple sources and randomly still manages to hear of around 4 stories about the same subject within roughly a years worth of time, not considering how much is probably NOT reported or missed by said person, is proving your point ... well then I guess as far as you're concerned, I did

Personally, I don't think I proved or disproved your point. But anyway ... not trying to get a last word in or anything. I'm gonna stop now
And honestly I'm not pissed at you or anything. I just get mad as shit when some assholes take one idiots statement and turn it into an anti-American rant or whatever. Or make less than stellar arguments about how things aren't much better here because someone dropped the brown acid and ate someone's face. Two COMPLETELY different subjects and yet the fact anyone would even try to go there is because it's just a little too fashionable to be anti-American

Not sure if you were referring to me but if so, WHERE did I say I was anti-american in any way? Point it out for me?

Don't want to extend rather pointless discussions, but as many have already said, simply there's fucked up people everywhere in the planet, regardless of nationality. A flag could arguably be indicative of a more evolved collective rationale, but in no way grants any sort of automatic superiority to individuals.

Me pointing out that there's some fucked up people in the US as well as anywhere else doesn't make me 'anti-american', and it shouldn't make you jump the gun like you did, unless you'd be prepared to spouse violent and unprovoked acts ON ANY LEVEL based on nationality. That'd be similar as indian people 'excusing' what the father did for the same reason. That is why I was making the comparison.
Are both murders ''the same thing''? Obviously it isn't (not that I ever said that, either).

Both however are criminally violent and unjustifiable acts, under any line of reasoning, commited by a single individual. The fact that murders and other criminal acts are propelled by either drug use (or it's illegal traffic, at that) on one country, and some cultural tare on another, doesn't make them any different in that the end result is the same.

I'd appreciate it if you dropped the aggresive name calling before jumping to conclusions, too.
I don't give a fuck what any of you may think of my comments but here it is:
India is a fucked up place with fucked up people, a disgusting culture and probably food too. (Oh, it's also true for anywhere else in the world).