Indie type band! Tell me how everything sounds!

Those drums do NOT fit at all. Slate is not the right package for this music. The rest sounds good, although that synth doesn't sound good being mono and right down the centre. I'd pan it right opposite the guitars, or make it stereo.
should i stick to straight superior? give them that "shitty" indie sound that any indie band would love? haha :P

they're fine with the drums and everything, but i know what you mean.
Ill mess around with them and see how it works.

anything else?
You can get away with Slate, but not samples that are that punchy. You definitely need to do a LOT of hi hat velocity editing for the intricate parts. I can't really focus on most of the mix with the drums distracting me.

The synth needs to be pushed back, vocals could use more ambience.
Yeah, those drums don't fit the style.
I think the guitars are a little loud, to present, maybe a turn them down like 2 or 3 dBs... and yeah, the synth would be cool in a wide stereo and maybe turn up the vocals 2 o 3 db... i think the inteligibility (sorry, don't know if that word exist in english:P) of the words is not really clear, i can't really understand everything about the lyric... but that's probably me, maybe adding more highs and cut some mid lows would solve that.

Guitar tone is cool, what did you use?