Industrial/Black metal bands

rotten_doll said:
alrighty thanks you everyone

i have another question in other topic:

if i'm interesting in finding serious musicians to work with in other countries
where could i find them?

Riga, Latvia
can cooperate, my project-

Black Industrial Metal - MACHINERIE PERFECT
other than the damn superb Axis Of Perdition and Anaal Nathrakh, there's a band called Amortis who are reputed to be pretty good. I'm not too sure about just how much industrial ness there is to it though as i haven't heard 'Gift Of Tongues' myself.
try "Vedervärdig" from sweden if you're after something really extreme, at least from what i've heard, could be pretty hard to get your hands on perhaps, they're rather obscure, though swedish THR still has their demo, dunno if you live anywhere near sweden but i thought i'd tell you about it anyway :)
try listening to Control Human Delete, industrial BM/DM from The Netherlands you can download some excerpts here.

review on

While listening this first demo CD by Dutch Control Human Delete, I don't know where to start with writing. Should I start with saying I'm so goddamn proud of being Dutch, for this product is Dutch too, and that this is one of the better Dutch releases ever to be put out? Or should I better start with saying that this is demo showed me again why I liked untraditional blackmetal? Since this is one of the most open-minded releases I came across the past months. Or should I just say this is the best demo of 2003 up till now? Anyway, I said it all, and I didn't exaggerate one single word...

It is already quite clear that this is an amazing piece of music. It totally blew me away. Talking about professionalism, my god! Most of the signed bands don't look that professional as the guys from Control Human Delete. The cover and the overall artwork is really fabulous. The recording quality is really amazing, and this demo CD even includes a multimedia part, with a video clip of the "Control Human Delete" song. I actually never saw such a great demo! It all looks really futuristic and refers to a cyber-existence. And this is how the music sounds like. Quite original, but influences from bands like Thorns, ... And Oceans, Satyricon and the later works of Mayhem ("The Grand Declaration Of War"). From the first track we already hear Mayhem-ish riffs, and this is actually the whole demo that way, the vocals remind me of those of Satyricon's Satyr (except for the (frequently) spoken words, which are in the typical Maniac (Mayhem) way). This mixture of blackmetal and futuristic sounds together with the amazing production makes it just a brilliant demo. It never ever bores me, pieces of spoken words, slow riffs, techno beats, ambiental parts and moments of pure fast and raging blackmetal are alternated very easily.

Just a very interesting demo, a true masterpiece of cyber blackmetal. One of the best demos's I heard, and I think I can call this the most promising demo I ever heard. I'm so goddamn sure this band is going to make it in the metalscene. It's just a matter of time till this band will be signed to a big label, and people, support this band! Buy the demo, you won't be disappointed. Support this!!

Last updated on June 11, 2003
II have one band in France it is called Gloria Extazia(no link wth the drug but in fact with the state of extazy). We are a metal band in the big lines but we have also electronic influences as Aborym Laibach some hardtech bands and all strange sounds in general. It is nihilistic alcoholic and sexual form of music I would say.So what kind of instruments do ou play? (In the case where you would be interested in joining us).Please reply on We have some questions to ask before.
By the way I am seeking all kinds of bands with an ugly-decaying-mechanic feeling.If you know some interesting bands really strange please let me know.Thanks in advance
:wave: Hey I forgot something. I have a solo project called Nihilkult.There is a first demo called "in vino veritas" it is (as usual with me) a strange form of metal. It's anti-melodic anti-symphonic the image that I think would best fit my project is a nauseous pound where people ill by pest would reunite to fuck and drink knowing that there is no hope and that nothing is real except our interpretation. It must be a little strange description but the titles are so different that I am not able to describe a type of music.Maybe a very very ugly kind of black metal with industrial influences.Contact me on to have more informations. I'm seeking for inties,reviews and future collaborations. So don't hesitate to contact me