infernal death demo

Infernal Death sounds much better than The Groan of The Wind. It's more like the old Kalmah. Personally I didn't like The Black Waltz. Old albums are much better. The style is very different.

thanks for posting this!! ive been looking for these demos for sometime! the riffs that are different in these demos ARE WAY FUCKING BETTER. its old kalmah style and i miss it i really hope they dont continue the new style it fucking sucks and i dont even listen to the new cd anymore. kalmah are still my fav band, i wish they would stuck with that fucking shredding part the bitter metallic side on the cd is so cheesy.

TBW is awesome. The Groan Of Wind, Mindrust, Man Of The King, To The Gallows, Defeat... how can you say it sux.
I am assuming, by his refusal to give you the songs, that there may be rereleases with bonus tracks or something like that soon. :)

I like the demos better but both versions of each are amazing. I really hope that the demos get released some day.

I think the reason that the band don't want to let people hear them is because people will complain and say that they should of used those versions for the album & not have changed them.