Infernal hails!


Female Metal Warrior
Jan 27, 2005
This looks like a shit load of fun! Glad to be here. In fact happy as shit! The stupid image valadtor thingy was not working all day yesterday! Grrrr oh well it worked today and I am here now.

I am Elizabeth and a complet metal freak. I am also a LaVey Satanist. There is not much more that I can say about my self that Clicking here could not explain.

Now on to post...
Welcome my Queen... i mostly post in the Old School Threads but occassionally venture to the General Music Discussion board.... hope to see more of your posts... :wave:
Profanity said:
You will fit in nicely here and make numerous new friends with people who share your beliefs and taste in music.

I Bhereby give you a warm welcome to UM.

Damnit Profanity.. whose the chick in the picture in red and black outfit? lol .... asked you a couple of times before...