Inferno powertab updated


Jul 18, 2002
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Hi everybody!

As someone of you may already know, I made several SyX powertabs ,all available at

Most of them don't satisfy me yet, so I'm currently updating them.

I just finished the updating process with "Inferno"..I made lots of changes,added some keyboard lines and the keyboard solo; also I put a little bit of harmonic analysis which I really hope is correct.

for everyone interested here's the link:,2502

please check it out and let me know if you find it good or not.


Yes, you're right, bar 81 is played with 8 staccato notes and that's a brief descending fill in bar 82 along the Phrygian dominant scale..
and it's not that hard to hear after all!
How could I miss that?!? :blush:

thank you for spotting this, I'll wait some days,in case other flaws or lacks will be pointed out and then I'll upload the updated version at

maybe...The last version that I checked of GP was the 4th and I hated it.

I really hope that along with the MIDI sound improvements (pretty useless for didactic purposes)
meanwhile it has improved as a TAB EDITOR as well.

I just finished a complete (power)tab of The Death Of Balance / Lacrymosa!
I have updated my old tab of Sea Of Lies which was quite bad.

I added fingerings,frets, pickings, chords and tried to make a little harmonic analysis writing down scales and arpeggio within the notation.

It was a long and hard work, I hope it may be useful to any of you Romeo's wannabe! :)


The zip file contains even a complete (all instruments and choirs) MIDI of Lacrymosa and the Inferno tab, since the powertab isn't currently available to public download.

have fun!
Me and my friend are tabbing Frontiers on guitar pro and the only parts left I need a bit of help with..

1) The bass tapping before and during the solo
2) The really fast freak out part of the guitar solo.
3) The drum solo while the bass tapping goes nuts right before the solo.

If anybody could send me tabs or something I'd appreciate it. You'll also get your deserved credit if we decide to put it on MySongBook too. So far it's SUPER accurate.
MrFast said:
Me and my friend are tabbing Frontiers on guitar pro and the only parts left I need a bit of help with.

That's really cool. It's about time someone did this! I made a bass tab for it on this site, but I couldn't figure out the main riff or the tapping...
MrFast said:
You'll also get your deserved credit if we decide to put it on MySongBook too. So far it's SUPER accurate.

PM me when you've finished and uploaded it to MSB so I can validate it there as fast as possible. :kickass:
MrFast said:
I'm making alot of progress in the Frontiers tab, should be done sometime next week.

Awesome! I'm so psyched that someone actually took the time to tab out this song! Most people don't even know about its existence.