Inferno test

dont worry hearse, neither did i

and dont worry, TB666, you're still under 20 right? i think you should wait until you're 20 so you can join the club.
Anyone else here in Limbo ?
I'm getting lonely.
really? how soon? i dont think you've told me your birthdate yet?

you still have around 7 months ;)

anyway there isnt really any pressure for things like that!
and if there is, and im making you feel pressured... i think i deserve to go to the 6th circle for that :p
Violet Baudelaire said:
how come only Sunlapse Vertigo and me are in the 5th hell? it seems all the fun is on the 6th circle, of course, it figures, i go to hell and dont even get to party :bah:
because the 6th level is just that.... a big fun party. the 5th level is for us gloomy, depressed and angry bastards who can't have any fun. happy heretics go to level 6 while the miserable heretics like myself go the the river styx (hey, that rhymes.)
Hearse said:
Awwww, well I guess I could come to the upstairs to play with you at times, so you wont get lonely :)
this pick-up line makes me remember another one (worse) i heard yesterday.
we were at a conference and there was the catering service. one guy went there while i was grabbing something to eat and started talking with one of the bar-women there (a woman in her 40ies, not attractive in the least); he was telling her that he noticed her and that he liked her, so maybe they could get to know each other better. no need to say that me and my two colleagues (two guys, so don't say that only women are curious) went there, at turns, pretending to take some food only in order to listen to how things evolved in their "relationship". apparently, he went on asking her what her interests are, and if she likes going to the seaside, to the lake, to the mountain... etc.
i heard her replying: "yeah, i like going both to the seaside and to the lake, but i don't want to go to pick up mushrooms". unfortunately i couldn't hear him making her the proposal :lol:

right, it's a good idea to start working now... :Smug:
Man...I am so uncool.

The Dante's Inferno Test has sent you to Purgatory!

You have escaped damnation and made it to Purgatory, a place where the dew of repentance washes off the stain of sin and girds the spirit with humility. Through contrition, confession, and satisfaction by works of righteousness, you must make your way up the mountain. As the sins are cleansed from your soul, you will be illuminated by the Sun of Divine Grace, and you will join other souls, smiling and happy, upon the summit of this mountain. Before long you will know the joys of Paradise as you ascend to the ethereal realm of Heaven.
@hearse: that honours you, lasse. i guess you'll be called "sir wankalot" in the afterlife, too :p

i hope my bf will end up being in the 6th level too, or i'll have the same problem :tickled:

@wandrail: hey, welcome back!
Wandrail said:
Man...I am so uncool.

The Dante's Inferno Test has sent you to Purgatory!

You have escaped damnation and made it to Purgatory, a place where the dew of repentance washes off the stain of sin and girds the spirit with humility. Through contrition, confession, and satisfaction by works of righteousness, you must make your way up the mountain. As the sins are cleansed from your soul, you will be illuminated by the Sun of Divine Grace, and you will join other souls, smiling and happy, upon the summit of this mountain. Before long you will know the joys of Paradise as you ascend to the ethereal realm of Heaven.
but you're a republican :s the test must be faulted...