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Brain Bubbled
Jun 2, 2004
I was just wondering what the thoughts of the band members are on their influences.

Plus what are your thoughts on the bands Kamelot, and Adagio?
AnvilSnake said:
I was just wondering what the thoughts of the band members are on their influences.

Plus what are your thoughts on the bands Kamelot, and Adagio?
Hi Tyler,

The question on our influences seems to be coming up again and again, and each time I find it increasingly difficult to know what to answer. To be honest, musically speaking, at least for myself there are not a lot of current influences. The last time I picked up a new album must be several years ago, and the reason for this is because unfortunately I can't find enough time in the day to listen to music. I had a conversation with Lars about this recently and he feels the same way. It's almost sad but it's also very challenging to sit down and listen to new music when you're so wrapped up in your own. It seems like a lot of musicians feel this way. But I also know some who are totally into checking out new stuff and I don't know how they do it, but somehow they always find something new of interest.

This doesn't mean I'm not interested in music, I am, and I have lots of respect for many bands out there who are great and deserve a lot of recognition. To still mention some bands, when I was younger I listened to Metallica a lot and that was my favorite band for a long time. Carl was always a huge Dream Theater fan, but his favorite guitar player of all time is Yngwie Malmsteen. I don't really know what Lars listens to but as mentioned he is a lot like me in that sense. Jan Axel likes all kinds of stuff, except Reggae as he just said in an interview.

So to sum it up, we don't really have a lot of musical influences but in our own music we combine elements of the kind of music we like, which ranges from classical to jazz, metal and rock. As you know the music we play is a lot about the atmosphere and feeling in the music, so we use that as a tool to a much larger degree than for example bands who prefer to use riff based influences to inspire them in their music.

Oh, and lastly... Kamelot and Adagio are not bands I'm too familiar with. I also read your post on Winds vs Trans Sibierian Orchestra, another band I was not familiar with. But I downloaded an mp3 from their website and it sounded cool enough.

Andy / Winds
heh, i've liked metallica since i was like, 6. Thats interesting. The reason i asked about Kamelot and Adagio, is because they sound fairly similar to Winds music. Not the same, but fairly similar... then again you can't sound the same as Winds. :Spin: :grin:

Just for fun i uploaded an mp3 of each band onto my site, for when/if you get some spare time :D. Anyone else, go ahead and download.

Adagio - Next Profundis

Kamelot - Center of the Universe
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