Info on the new album...

I know this might sound corny or lame, but if you were to contact ESP, and let them know that, could they possibly shoot you an endoresement deal?

I know some bands who have endorsement deals, and if nothing else, you get really deep discounts on gear, strings, etc.
I know this might sound corny or lame, but if you were to contact ESP, and let them know that, could they possibly shoot you an endoresement deal?

I know some bands who have endorsement deals, and if nothing else, you get really deep discounts on gear, strings, etc.

Let's just say that the wheels were put in motion a little while ago for this.
2 days before I left for the studio my daughter had a HORRIBLE cold. The second day there, I got it, so it put us off schedule a bit, and made it impossible for me to cut anything until week 2. It's part of the reason I had to re cut most of my growls on the final day in studio. It's not that the I sounded sick, it's that the power in the vocals would drain much faster.

I am still sick a little bit actually, but better. For some reason, I had 2 days in studio where I felt fantastic, and got all the melodic singing done, and they came out incredible. Maybe my best yet? So yeah, I'm OK with being under the weather for growls on this one. It adds to the character. haha

Oh, and this was the day after Chris was VIOLENTLY sick, so most of us caught some sort of bug this time around. Everyone felt shitty at some point. See what we go through for you people? hahaha
ahh, hope you're all back to 100% soon! anyway, everything I have heard in the vids sounds great! got to ask larry, how are the solo's? and , is there a kick ass sitar solo?
ahh, hope you're all back to 100% soon! anyway, everything I have heard in the vids sounds great! got to ask larry, how are the solo's? and , is there a kick ass sitar solo?

I don't really know how to answer that, the solos are ok I guess? lol There's no sitar solo! I used the sitar and an echo theramin on one song just for some background textures, but it's done very sparingly. With stuff like that, you have to be careful to walk that line between being clever and just sounding silly.
We're looking into possible European festival dates already, since they start booking that stuff really early. Already talking about some U.S. shows possible as well. But nothing confirmed.

We'd LOVE to get to the U.K. and play some shows. I know we've mentioned this before but just to state it again.....the problem with playing the U.K. is that they're extremely strict about things like work permits and such when allowing bands to come into the country to perform. So it really depends on whether or not a good promoter is willing to bring us over and do the proper paperwork to make it really happen. While we've gotten many offers in the past and present from promoters in other European countries, honestly noone has really stepped up and made us any reasonable offers to come to the U.K., and that's the whole reason we've not been back there.

So the point being, if any of the fans over there have any connections to, or ability to contact, any decent U.K. promoters that might be interested in bringing ND over, please LET THEM KNOW. I've stated this dozens of times before, but cannot stress enough the importance of people letting the promoters in their area know which bands they really want to see. We get fans all the time coming to us and saying, "Why don't you play here?? We want to see you!" And then we go to the promoters of those areas and try to get booked, and often times they hesitate because they aren't sure enough people in their town or country are interested in us. So you really gotta reach out to the clubs and promoters in your area and tell them, "we want to see ND play here", because then it makes it MUCH more likely that they'll book us when they have heard directly from the ticket buying fans, and they're not so hesitant about putting up the money and so forth. It's just all part of the whole underground scene really, the actions and participation of the fans is just as important as what the bands do sometimes in making things happen, and we gotta work together to keep it movin' along. I realise many of you don't have inside connections to promoters in your area or anything like that, but even something as simple as posting comments on a club's website or sending them emails asking about ND playing there could be a help to us, seriously.
Hearing the album mixed and everything, I too am very stoked for everyone to hear it. This album came out incredible and exceeded my expectations, and I believe this opens a new chapter for ND. While I do hope that everyone enjoys what they hear, I know that this time especially I can at least say that I am really pleased with the results regardless of what anyone else thinks.