Ingar from Conception.


Aug 1, 2003
Yes, he wore makeup.

Yes, some of his stage moves were reminiscent of simulated sex.

Yes, said moves were performed on his bandmates of the same sex.

For God's sake people. This was Conception, one of the greatest bands ever, back onstage for the first time in 8 years, and all I seem to read on here is people harping on poor Ingar. Sure he was different, and didn't fit the mould for your standard Prog/Power Metal Nerd, but damnit, his band was absolutely killer, and all this childish whining about how "offensive" his actions were only serve to make the audience look closed (and indeed small-) minded .

- R
Ingar's band is called Crest Of Darkness. A BLACK METAL band. That is why he looks as he does. Who cares? At least he acted like he wanted to be there and didn't portray himself as aloof or boring. The guy seemed genuinely happy. Give him a break. Ingar fuckin' rules!
Barking Pumpkin said:
The Manticora guys were almost tonguing each other too, so there. :p

Yeah, it's called a "show" !!!!

I didnt mind that ingar dude being all nutty, I actually prefer that than mr. i-only-make-one-face-when-i-sing, Mr. khan
DRFS Rich said:
Yes, he wore makeup.

Yes, some of his stage moves were reminiscent of simulated sex.

Yes, said moves were performed on his bandmates of the same sex.

For God's sake people. This was Conception, one of the greatest bands ever, back onstage for the first time in 8 years, and all I seem to read on here is people harping on poor Ingar. Sure he was different, and didn't fit the mould for your standard Prog/Power Metal Nerd, but damnit, his band was absolutely killer, and all this childish whining about how "offensive" his actions were only serve to make the audience look closed (and indeed small-) minded .

- R

Dude take a chill pill. "Harping on poor Ingar" isn't even remotely close to all that's being posted around here. The statements weren't meant to attack the incredible performance Conception put on as a whole and took nothing away from Ingar's bass playing ability or personal character in real life, Glenn already explained what a nice person he was and how happy and appreciative he was to be at the fest. It was only reinforced when Ingar toasted to Glenn several times on stage, which was a very nice thing to see.

That said, his "pseudosexual" antics with Roy on stage didn't sit all that well with me, that's all - no big deal. It's just an opinion, not some kind of malicious attack. I'm obviously sorry that I ever brought it up, and that portion of it was minor compared to the awesome display put on by the band and I will continue to listen proudly to the 4 Conception cd's I own.