

New Metal Member
Apr 1, 2010
alright im going to try to clear up a gay battle between people who say inhales suck to inhales are sickk ok. lets look at the basics of both (i do both and im saying on how i do them) both start out at the lower part of your throat you know when you start you learn to make that grudge sound well both do that both also use your diaphram i spelled that wrong i know but the only difference is is one air is going in other the air is going out. ok now lets look at the part where people say they are bad for your throat ok BOTH can cause harm to your throat there is a right way of doing it and a WRONG way of doing it. about two weeks ago i was told im going to end up like some guy from a band i forgot the name of who cant sing in it anymore cause he messed up his vocals okkk wellll i looked him up i saw how he was doing it he was tightening up his throat as hard as he can (not frying) and trying to suck in as hard as hard he can THATS WHERE HE MESSED UP HIS VOCALS if you do it right and take care of your throat you will be fine. noww the part of them being weak ok i can inhale scream pretty loud and yes my exhales are louder but dont sound that great all it is is pratice and learning how to do it rightttt all i got to say about them being pussy shit there isnt much difference between them so stop being a dumb ass who follows what everybody else says its just two different ways of doing it get over your self cause im pretty sure your just saying that cause you heard it from other people well thats what i seem to see alot of :) thankyou
How about a period in that sentence?

If you want to screw up your vocal cords with inward singing, go ahead. It's not my concern. :Smug:
Doesnt Randy Blythe use inhale singing?

If so... /thread :lol:

If not then I dont know... some people I've heard sound pretty cool when they do it properly but just as many sound like shit. I can't do it for more than 20 seconds without gagging personally.
I think I lost braincells reading that post.

seems like you didnt have much to start with seeing that all you really did was just post a comment about something that im not even talking about why not be mature and comment about gheeeeee i dont know lets see inhaling or exhaling i mean its not like im talking about that stuff instead of my grammar seeing that this is called ultimatemetal not ultimate grammar. just saying :)
It's because I find it fucking difficult to read your post. Grammar is there for a reason. Use it.

I do death metal and black metal vocals for my band (me and my other guitarist share vocal duties), my technique involves mainly exhaling. I find it easier to exhale because I also play guitar and I find it hard to concentrate on different vocal techniques while playing. I can inhale scream/growl and it's not as loud as my exhaling technique and only used in effect for short bursts like Matthew Chalk on the first 2 Psycroptic albums, and occasionally Antti Boman from Demilich.

I don't see how that post would've helped you. Still, grammar. Use it.
I couldn't read all of that in a single breath, so I had speech recognition say it for me. It crashed. :(

woooow ohhh myyy gooddd i dont use periods get over your self! are you people that have had a troubled school life? got picked on a little huh? enough that you guys try to make your selves feel better by flaming some one cause they dont use periods...shittt... iv heard little kids in elementry school who come up with better things to make fun of people for haha you know if you guys actually used your brains to have a normal conversation instead of coming up with ways of making fun of me cause i dont use periods shit im sure we would be having some good conversations right now but naaa im sure most of you are more worried about how much hand lotion and tissues you have left to last you the rest of the night :lol:
Dude, I don't care how you use grammar in your real life but at least make your posts readable. There's a reason why you use grammar, so it's easier to fucking read. If you want to be taken seriously, type seriously.
I don't really like inhales, the only band I like that uses them (often) is Silent Descent, and even then I don't like the vocals, its just that the music is awesome enough to make up for the slightly annoying vocals/