Insane Clown Pussies

Zob Rombie

Fuggin GURU
Oct 21, 2002
Cherry Hill, NJ

that is just a lil something i came across on my voyage of trying to find an Anti-ICP site... i have thoughts of doing one for my web design project in school but i am having some trouble getting my hands on some of these sites... if anyone can help me w/ a few links that would be great...

oh and btw... thank god that some people somewhere still have some brains left... i dont know how long ago it was but a magazine called Blender released a list of the top 50 worts bands... topping the list was of course... ICP... that makes me feel a little bit better about this wannabe-band retards that failed second grade w/ only the ability to slightly rhyme...

any way, i could use the help... thnx...

Hi I'm new here. Um, I really don't like that band either, they seem like try hards and their music is pretty boring so I agree they suck.

...and I like your username. :)
haha well hopefully everyone here agrees but nonetheless... welcome aboard! i dont post much and this is one of my rare appearances on the board, you'll learn very quickly who the regulars are around here...

on that note... Everyone! Lets Welcome Jericha to the Board!!
Instead of focusing your time on something that "sucks", why not devote it to finding new music that does not "suck"?
well *guest*,

you do make a very good point, but there are a couple of personal factors for me on y i want to along with the fact that it would just be funny... as for finding music that doenst suck, will is my mentor, he knows what i will and will not like, if he thinks ill like he, he'll let me listen, if not, i probably wont even know the name of the band... so far, im pretty sure he has always been right on the music he knows ill like... the latest is Vintersorg....
Jericha said:
Hi I'm new here. Um, I really don't like that band either, they seem like try hards and their music is pretty boring so I agree they suck.

...and I like your username. :)

welcome to the board dude! :kickass:
I loathe ICP...

I despise ICP...

I abhor ICP

there are so many juggalos and juggalettes at my school, it is so fucking annoying.
unknown said:
I loathe ICP...

I despise ICP...

I abhor ICP

there are so many juggalos and juggalettes at my school, it is so fucking annoying.

easy solution - kill them all and eat them. If you shot everyone in your school and ate them, no one would ever find out it was you - just tell everyone that asked why you weren't missing too that you stayed home that day. Problem solved - no more annoying people, and as a bonus, no more school.
No more school would be a problem though since I enjoy learning

But I can do without the people

*loading up double barrel 12 gauge*
go to college early - and you'll need more than a twelve guage double barrel.

I recommend taking a trip to your local illegal weapons dealer and buying a couple of fully automatic tech-9's, a couple of .45's, an assault rifle (preferably the m4) and at least one smg.

Also - if they don't have any grenades or incendiaries in stock take some dynamite as a good substitute - that'll help you clear out the classrooms faster - plus it turns the peoples into a tasty mush that is already heated up :tickled: most delightful.
Pyrus said:
All your music filters through Will? Come on, man, live a some research, you might surprise yourself.

hes on 56k, and getting DSL soon... i plan on showing him Librarius Metallicus once he gets hooked up... speaking of which... when you gettin broadband? :p