Insane Clown Pussies

wee indeed i will be getting DSL soon, the sooner the better, lately, even tho i have dial up i have been trying to roam the board more, i even set the board as my home page to push it further... as for the music, once i have some free time i prolly will look around for music myself as well, but Will does supply me with some pretty damn good music, hell - nevermore is one of those bands that i would have never have found out about if it wasnt for Will....

any sites found hating ICP yet?
fuck that. icp has some funny ass songs, not to mention one of the greatest movies of all time: Big Money Hu$la$. fucking classic. 'the great milinko' is a solid album, and some of their older songs like 'super balls' and 'cotton candy' are fuckin hilarious. better than fucking rob zombie or some shit.
Guerrilla said:
What you need is an M4 carbine with this sweet 5.56mm armor-piercing, limited-penetration round... read here:
that 5.56 is strong you should see what the 7.62 could do
i read an article about some guy who shot somone he didn't like with an ak(which uses 7.62x38 i think), they found the bullet like 5 blocks away or something, lodged in a building, it had gone through a parked car on its way there
+the exit wound od the bullet is like 5 inchs
I recommend taking a trip to your local illegal weapons dealer and buying a couple of fully automatic tech-9's, a couple of .45's, an assault rifle (preferably the m4) and at least one smg.

Also - if they don't have any grenades or incendiaries in stock take some dynamite as a good substitute - that'll help you clear out the classrooms faster - plus it turns the peoples into a tasty mush that is already heated up :tickled: most delightful.[/QUOTE]

Damn, you've got enough firepower to take out a small town. You're not
german are you? If you're going that far, why take a .45 when you
can take Desert Eagle .50's?
Why take Dynamite if you got an M4? Those got the M203 Grenade Launcher.
You must have some serious balls if you got a Military assault weapon for
"just in case" purposes like this.....

My 2 cents,

OfficerNice said:
Damn, you've got enough firepower to take out a small town. You're not
german are you? If you're going that far, why take a .45 when you
can take Desert Eagle .50's?
Why take Dynamite if you got an M4? Those got the M203 Grenade Launcher.
You must have some serious balls if you got a Military assault weapon for
"just in case" purposes like this.....

My 2 cents,


Jesus Christ, you spread your 2 cents around like i spread my sperm - the shit is everywhere! :lol:

Bah, the DE .50 is so impractical and overrated. Only a 7 round clip, yes, the firing power is insane but it would take the hulk to be able to double or triple tap with a desert eagle. The .45 is much more versatile, has considerable stopping power, and is relatively easy to double and triple tap with, making it the ideal handgun. It is easy to see why such a capable weapon is the first choice for our countries superb spec ops groups.

Also - if you attached the M203 to the m4 you would limit it's versatility - also, you're in a building - it's better to just have hand grenades, they're much easier to use. Also you can carry more hand grenades than 203 rounds.

And yes, I am German - but I'm not a nazi - i resent that :D :lol: :lol: :lol:
FretsAflame said:
Jesus Christ, you spread your 2 cents around like i spread my sperm - the shit is everywhere! :lol:[qoute]
:lol: :lol:

FretsAflame said:
Bah, the DE .50 is so impractical and overrated. Only a 7 round clip, yes, the firing power is insane but it would take the hulk to be able to double or triple tap with a desert eagle. The .45 is much more versatile, has considerable stopping power, and is relatively easy to double and triple tap with, making it the ideal handgun. It is easy to see why such a capable weapon is the first choice for our countries superb spec ops groups.

Also - if you attached the M203 to the m4 you would limit it's versatility - also, you're in a building - it's better to just have hand grenades, they're much easier to use. Also you can carry more hand grenades than 203 rounds.[qoute]
oops forgot to post:

fuck the .45 colt if your gonna go with the .45 get a .45 socom or .40 or .45 hk
even the the colt 1911 .45 is awesome
and for the m203 and grenades frget them both use the shotgun m203 type attachment way better for room clearing
or just totally forget the m4a1 and use a g36c or k (e sucks)instead :grin:

ignore the fact that this is an aeg and has a non m4a1 full stock (just an add on
that sure is perty though
for room clearing id take it over the m203 add on
metalskater7 said:
oops forgot to post:

fuck the .45 colt if your gonna go with the .45 get a .45 socom or .40 or .45 hk
even the the colt 1911 .45 is awesome
and for the m203 and grenades frget them both use the shotgun m203 type attachment way better for room clearing
or just totally forget the m4a1 and use a g36c or k (e sucks)instead :grin:

i wasn't talking about the colt dammit - screw the colt, police use the colt.

"even the 1911 is awesome" - what are you fucking talking about? that's one of the best handguns (if not THE best) ever made - 1911 issue and it still rocks the cock! omfg - the 1911 is standard issue for the SFOD-D

of course the mark23 .45 is awesome as well

ummm, also - you don't necessarily need the shotgun attachment for room clearing - just a gun dammit. i was talking about versatility not excessive flashy stupid useless awkward shit to put on a perfectly good weapon. Just put a 12 point sighting system on the m4 and you're good to go. Supressors are nice too, but only if you really need em - they blow the accuracy of the weapon right out of the water in most cases.