the original "Sound of Silence"...

the original is awsome. I love the guitars, and everything about it. S&G RULE.

I have their 1981 concert in in the park. 2 cd's, but mine is a reissue, one cd with all the songs.
I actually think that the cover does more w/the music than the original.The original is a pop song and that hardly involves music.

Oh,head-banging is dangerous.I was thrashing to "Narcosynthesis" last neck hurts now.I'd like to learn how to play that song on the drums.But I'd probobly need to get another pedal,if not another bass drum.What is Van's drum kit like?He has to have a double bass.Double bass is the only way to ahieve greatness as a drummer.Of course,talent also helps...
Originally posted by dreaming neon darkspot
The original is a pop song and that hardly involves music.

I think you need to take a crash course on musical composition... The original is FAR more complex than Nevermore's version. Like I said, listen to the counterpoint in the vocal melodies, and how the intervals play off of eachother, and create a haunting atmosphere. Nevermore's version is heavier, of course, but I dont know if its even that much darker. Its just different.
Originally posted by dreaming neon darkspot

Oh,head-banging is dangerous.I was thrashing to "Narcosynthesis" last neck hurts now.I'd like to learn how to play that song on the drums.But I'd probobly need to get another pedal,if not another bass drum.What is Van's drum kit like?He has to have a double bass.Double bass is the only way to ahieve greatness as a drummer.Of course,talent also helps...

Another pedal? Another bass drum? No, no, no. You need a new drum set ;)
DNDS>>>Not trying to make you like th eoriginal, like what you will, that fine with me, as you know already. BUt, its not a pop song at all. Its folky, very much that, and as brooks said, its full of good stuff. ANd i have tried my hand at playing it a time or 2, and its a bit dificult. The pick paterns are very cool. ANd a bit unorthadox.