the sounds of silence

deathstrike from hell

Deathstrike lambtron
Aug 12, 2002
by now everyone knows this fast amazing song they covered from simon and garfunkel. i was just wondering if anyone has tabbed this?
and is this the fastest nevermore song van plays? (not counting the brutally fast pure sweet hell):hotjump:
yeah. dude, ive been listening to nevermore for a long long time. i didnt mean to come off like a malltard hahaha sorry for the confusion. im just talking at the end of that song van plays unbelievably fast. i dont think ive ever heard him play faster. hahaha
k my quest for the fastest drums van does in a nevermore song came to be the sound of silence. there was a couple close others, but the end is by far the fastest.
i still cant find the tab however :-/. the spaceports site doesnt have it, nor goddamn tabs. oh well. (going to figure it out myself)

†hrash †ill dea†h!
(this is deathstrike from hell, its not letting me log in)hahaha yeah, i frequent the aol metal chat room and these kids come in there constantly. the slipclone i call them. u can recognize them a mile away. always maggot this slipknot that. thats ure slipclone.
malltards are the annoying fucks that come in and say the name of a metal band they heard of from their cousins daddy's sister that they have no clue about, spell it wrong, and just totally make your experience in the room suck.
i.e. meshhhhuhguah is the best meatel band

be weary of malltards. while simplistic in the thinking process, theyre quite lethal in large groups. i hate feeling out of place asking if anyones got the new maiden dvd when they're all talking about why mudgayne's drummer is the best in the world.
just go to hot topic and avoid the metal room!
hahahaha by the way, wouldnt it be funny to see simon and gafunkels reaction to this song? they wouldve had to of give nevermore rights to put the song on the cd. perhaps down inside s&g are metal fans? the world may never know
listen up sissies. this is corey taylor
slipknot owns all man. me and my pal joey right here are the baddest asses ull ever see. who needs acts like iran madien, judis preest and mudtallica. were the maggot corps are were coming after these fake metal bands. pretty soon we'll hunt down bands like linkin park and have them join are quest. to get rid of all this "real" metal i keep hearing about but were the only "real" metal band.
we dont use gimmicks like iron maiden, we just sell records to our awesome fans. (cough cough malltard slipclones)
so the fans of these bands listen up. im corey taylor of slipknot. were metal, and ure not. (digging deep for this next part)-->with the father of metal showing us the way. kerry qu...king. he owns the guitar. he was born with one in his hands. no one outplays kerry. and we agree with what he says. iron maiden sucks, yngwie sucks, pantera sucks, everyone sucks but slayer! oh wait! and us! slipknot!!!!!
*throws a fairly large rock at ya* hehehe :) King is just like us, he just gets his comments written down somewhere and spread over to everyone, people would be pissed with most of our opinions too... for instance:
i dont like Van Halen and Iron Maiden is annoying, not to mention Halford

now, if i was Kerry King, people would be saying i sold out (more malltardism) and stuff like that lol