Inside Out live

Inside Out is a good song, but there were better on V8 (Crush, Catharsis, Piss & Vinegar).

I like the whole album...and don't want to put songs in any order...yeah 604 and Cupajoe are second S.O.D. and Toast To the Extras is what it what...
that album was different and fresh compared to everything else that was released at that should have got better promotion...but we know how things went. It wasn't that easy to find Vol 8. from record least in Finland. Thanks to Metal Hammer I knew that there was new Anthrax album I could go to my friend's record store and ask him to order me a copy. He is a Joey era "fan" - in truth he is NOT Anthrax fan but knew the albums they did with Joey - so there wasn't Anthrax for him at that time...:)

I like the whole album...and don't want to put songs in any order...yeah 604 and Cupajoe are second S.O.D. and Toast To the Extras is what it what...
that album was different and fresh compared to everything else that was released at that should have got better promotion...but we know how things went. It wasn't that easy to find Vol 8. from record least in Finland. Thanks to Metal Hammer I knew that there was new Anthrax album I could go to my friend's record store and ask him to order me a copy. He is a Joey era "fan" - in truth he is NOT Anthrax fan but knew the albums they did with Joey - so there wasn't Anthrax for him at that time...:)


I love the whole album too. I even like "Toast..." I just think that those three tracks are beyond awesome, where the rest are just pretty damn awesome.