Insomnia and the designated driver...Man


Man, this is my weekend to be the DD for my circle of friends, so up I stay with my cellphone to keep my pals out of jail. Thankfully only two have called (and one of those turned into a near misadventure) It's fun to watch drunk people when you are sober because it's like "Jesus, I hope I never act that dumb!"
But at any rate now I've got some major insomnia, but that is ok, I am in charge of the Easter ham for the fam........
Designated Drivers are your friends! :worship: ;)
TD said:
It's fun to watch drunk people when you are sober because it's like "Jesus, I hope I never act that dumb!"
Yesterday i were the DD too and i was thinking: i hope i'm not acting like this when i was drunk?? But it's too fun to laugh of drunk friends :tickled:
Matt Bello said:
Yesterday i were the DD too and i was thinking: i hope i'm not acting like this when i was drunk?? But it's too fun to laugh of drunk friends :tickled:
Well, here was my quarry. My buddy AndyClause calls and needs a ride around 1:30. No problem, I was half up, half asleep, because I was checking on my easter ham every hour or so. But I was in sleep mode, so I was wearing some Old Navy basketball shorts with no pockets, so I didn't grab my wallet. I wasn't going to need it I thought. Well, AndyClause needs a ride to a friend of his g/f's, I figure that is all the farther I have to take him. Alas, they had been fighting, and as soon as I get there there are beer bottles being thrown, they are screaming and blah, blah, blah, and someone calls the cops! Great, now I'm aiding a fugitive, and I have no drivers license on my person, which would be enough to get taken down town! And with my job "name in the paper equals walking papers!" I was fuming, but I know this town better than the cops, and I know most cops, so we made it back. Then he wanted another ride, and I was like "to hell with you!" :err: