Insomnium - Weather The Storm

if you can find the lyrics for this song i would be happy to lay down vocals. This is my favorite song ever. I can't listen to the mix now, but i will comment on it when i have speakers
Hell yeah Insomnium!! :rock::rock::rock:
They are one of my 2 favorite melo death bands

Not that much a fan of this song though, Im not a lot into the guy from Dark Tranquillity
Awesome playing and choice of sound for this cover, but its really pumping quite a lot

...why only 2 mins of it dude? the original is also in a little different tuning, or?
Thanks guys!

Rofl!!, I don't found the lyrics on internet so I don't know where I can find it, but It would be great if you can do this! :)

Shadow!, thank you a lot for this! And yeah, Insomnium rules hehehe

Mago!, thanks!, Don't like Mikael Stanne?, is the boss! hehehe, is a good song of insomnium bu i agree is not the best one of them, but I like it. I agree it's pumping, I have listen today and what the fuck haha. Yes man!, is in different tone and only I have take part that I like it of the song, and as not have vocals on it, only take about 2 minutes, sorry!

Thanks for the time and help guys, u rule!



I will take a look to the pumping and try to solve it :S