A song in process :)

I don't like the harmony stuff at the upbeat riff that much, but the rest slays. the melodic part is awesome!
Snare and guitars sound cool, kick isnt that much to my taste
may try to humanize those overheads a bit more?
and I think it's too much compression on the masterbus
cool job dude!
Hey Mago!, thanks for your time and opinion/tips, really appreciate it!

Well, I think the same like you and I decide to take for the band the melodic stuff part, I like too :) yeah!. The Snare have the minor process chain in the all mix!!. Take avatar kit for SD.20, Low Pass at 9000hz more or less, little cut 3db on 425hz and compression like 15 attack, 90 release, 4:0 ratio and 6db reduction I think, don't remember exactly, and then, send to sonny oxford reverb. Nothing more, this sample sound good to me with the starting point!!

I will try to fix a bit the kick, I very agree with the overheads dude...I will to try to humanize a bit more and hope to fix this...or i will to change or something like that haha. Ok!!, the Master chain is Gclip at 0,0 / HiPass at 30hz / SSL COMP: attack max, release min, 4 ratio and 4db reduction (is much?) / Gclip with 1,5 gain / L2 as limiter 0,0 - 0,2.

Thanks for the help dude, I will try to fix today and reloading again!
I liked the guitars in the other version more, they sounded more "open"
Kick is better, but still not the ones I prefer...I guess I just have a different taste when it comes to this ;)
Guitars are very loud also, overheads really low

Yeah I thought that it sounds like a SD2 Snare ;)