Inspirational Katatonia. (:

I wanted to say that Katatonia have inspired me soooo much. (:
And I wanted to thank them.

Here Is the latest:

The pass of the dreams

She stands barefoot on the seashore.
Just a light dress covers her blood frosted body.
The woman’s eyes are swollen from the weeps.
She found the only reason to cry:
Her Warriors of the Light are lost.

The twilight fades, the dawn bursts into bloom.
But just a moment before the big light
The blind man spread his blanket on the earth.

With the first goddesses,
The peaceful sea draws into white-pink.
The higher raise the gods,
The more violent becomes the cemetery.
Peaceful into the restless,
Ant the waves become fragile.
The higher raises the sun,
The more warriors arise from the graves.
She stands long time
And she waits for them to reach through her.

They have taken their helmets off,
And exposed swords lifted into the skies.
The woman can feel her heart beating,
They are calling her with them.

Oh how she wants to go.
Body, let the soul free.
Fall on the waterless shore and go!
Let the soul walk over the sea, hail your faithful men!

“But where is my sword” claims the woman.
“Whose throat it penetrated last time?
Whose body had my loyal fellow?”

Few steps she takes to the blacken grave.
“Without my sword I can not go.
Without my sword I am not the one, I should be.”

Soul! Look over the sea!

And from the distance sounds the melody.
And the proud battle-cry awakes from the chests of the warriors.
Brave little soul, go now!
They are calling you, can’t you hear?
Hurry now, run before the twilight.

The soul of hers arises in silence.
Running over the waves she falls into the arms of the army.
And the waves are rushing together into the redemption.

The woman has passed the test.
She has passed the dreams.
She’s gone home.

Musical Inspiration: Katatonia- July single 2007