Wow! Thanks!
Lasse: Yep, I had a blast! The downside is that I don't even have a DI, but it would be nice to hear your take on it. Hmm...

Sickan: Nope, but some Helmet in the "chorus". Maybe.
Clawfinger goes the "loose" path? Hm... interesting. I'll do some tests.
Bass is the AxeFX Rectifier model into a QSC ss power amp through an Ampeg 4x12. Really old one. It's owned by the bass player in Crucified Barbara who's rehearsing in the basement (studio2). Ribbon mic close into the dustcap. Weird thing though is that it's the Steinberg Synapse 5 that does the grind. It's damn ugly IMO, but it sounds so good that I think it's a cool bass.
Drums. Oh man, where to start. I went through all the "channel presets" on the kick, pick the one that sounded cool, and tried the same preset on all the other channels. When something sounded like poop, I changed the EQ. On the Thrash song, I've used the ADSR (envelope) to shorten the sounds, and I bypassed them all on this one. Turned off "Amb Close", skipped the cymbals/hihat in the "Amb Mid" and used mostly the "Amb Far". All drums on output 1, with a pre-fader send to a squashed SSL clone for a side chain compression. No bleed at all.