Instead of Podxt Live...


Ashes Of Rebirth
May 17, 2011
Glen Burnie, Maryland
I normally use my PodXT Live for recording but it seems I can't really get a good recording tone. Would it be best for me to record a completely dry guitar and just use amp sims/impulses? If so would The Lepou plugins be a wise choice?
If I were to record a "dry tone" should I set all bass/mid/highs to the 12 O'clock position? and (for pod xt live) should I use a clean style amp or use no amp sim AT ALL and use LePou?
I'm going to be using LePou :p
LePou sims do the same things pod does, it takes your dry signal and processes it in real time. Just like you would pick a head and a cab to play your dry signal through in pod, you do the same with these sims so you can put the knobs at whatever the hell you want. Here's a pretty sweet chain, plug your guitar into your interface then open up Onqel's TSE808 on an open track, then open a LePou head, (legion/lecto/le456 are all good) then open a LeCab2 and load up God's Cab within LeCab2. Rock and roll all day!
If I were to record a "dry tone" should I set all bass/mid/highs to the 12 O'clock position? and (for pod xt live) should I use a clean style amp or use no amp sim AT ALL and use LePou?
I'm going to be using LePou :p

If you're using the pod to plug in to the computer, yeah all knobs at noon. If you do this, I would just use the bypass mode on the pod, pretty sure it has one and if not try the tuner mode, that's dry.

Really though, think about using or getting an interface and not using the pod, just cord into the interface (and later on a DI box like the countryman type 85 or similar)...cleaner signal and less coloration to worry about.
+1 to the LePou stuff, and remember to also use an IR loader for the cab simulation. Will sound like doodoo otherwise. Also use a tube screamer sim in front of all that.
You can set your Pod xt live to record dry guitar (Asio settings, in your Daw's driver setup) but you can monitor with your pod tone, I do it all the time. This if you're using the Pod's USB interface, if you're using another interface just skip the pod and record DI while monitoring through ampsims
Oh btw, another advantage of the "record dry but monitoring with the pod itself" technique is 0 latency, what you're hearing isn't even reaching your computer, it's straight from the pod to your monitors/headphones so it isn't an issue

What do you mean by this, sir? using my pod to record say maybe in 'tuner' mode? I'm lost :/ how am I hearing back? When I listen with headphones or with my laptop speakers its just really off :/

I've tried using the Win7 driver, which honestly is the best one so far. Still a little off but not AS bad.
iRaiseTheDead said:
What do you mean by this, sir? using my pod to record say maybe in 'tuner' mode? I'm lost :/ how am I hearing back? When I listen with headphones or with my laptop speakers its just really off :/

I've tried using the Win7 driver, which honestly is the best one so far. Still a little off but not AS bad.

I mean if you use the Pod's USB interface, with the correctly installed Asio driver (line6 monkey does that for you super easy), and your monitors or headphones plugged to your Pod's outputs, you can go to Asio settings, select "record unprocessed guitar" and what you record will be completely bypassing the Pod, just a DI, but at the same time what you hear will be whatever patch you have on the pod itself, no latency cause what you're hearing isn't reaching your computer, it's from the pod to the monitors. I hope that's clear. Just don't turn on any recording monitoring within your DAW
I mean if you use the Pod's USB interface, with the correctly installed Asio driver (line6 monkey does that for you super easy), and your monitors or headphones plugged to your Pod's outputs, you can go to Asio settings, select "record unprocessed guitar" and what you record will be completely bypassing the Pod, just a DI, but at the same time what you hear will be whatever patch you have on the pod itself, no latency cause what you're hearing isn't reaching your computer, it's from the pod to the monitors. I hope that's clear. Just don't turn on any recording monitoring within your DAW

Oh okay, now its clear to me! That is actually pretty cool I think. Would I still be able to record to a click? Hearing it?