Instrumental 7 string prog reamped with 6534+


Sir Groove-A-Lot
Jan 31, 2010
Cambs, UK

All going through the Marshall 1960DM > Sm57
All rhythm guitars were red channel, one side unboosted, the other boosted with a TS.

Leads were green channel boosted with TS.
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Cool tone. I think that the guitars are popping out of the mix a bit unnaturally due to the amount of 4-6khz present. They are a bit fizzy as well, but you may be able to nuke that right out with post-eq.
Yeah I've had quite a few cracks at this and it's never sitting quite right. They were quite tricky DI's to work with. I'm not blaming that for my sub-par results, but they were super cold, on an Ibby 7, with old strings :lol: So they weren't the easiest from the get go. But hey, I gotta learn to work with the challenges.

I think they're quite muddy, and in an attempt to remedy that I probably made it a little too harsh, as you say Greg. I'm going to re-amp them again tomorrow, but with an i5 this time, and blend it in behind the SM57 tracks to see if it can bring around some of the airy midrange that is so sorely missing. At the moment it's all a bit dry and, as LBTM said; sterile.

I do dig it, and it suits it in a way, but it's not quite there yet.