Instrumental Hard Rock


Oct 24, 2007
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Lovely guitar sounds, drums a bit too compressed and distant in parts for my liking. They need some more dynamics! Beautiful cleans. Bass buried a little but decent enough.
thanks guys.

@schismatic: you're not the first to mention over-compressed drums.. i swear i'm not hitting them hard in Superior. i'll have to take another look. maybe over-doing the parallel compression... ?
Perhaps so dude, number of factors could possibly cause that. Do you apply much processing to the samples? What about your 2-bus, is there anything on there that is squashing them more than the rest? Try pulling back on the parallel compression and see what you get? Maybe you might need to drop the overall level of the rest of the instruments to maintain a solid level for the drums.
Perhaps so dude, number of factors could possibly cause that. Do you apply much processing to the samples? What about your 2-bus, is there anything on there that is squashing them more than the rest? Try pulling back on the parallel compression and see what you get? Maybe you might need to drop the overall level of the rest of the instruments to maintain a solid level for the drums.

thanks. did a new mix. updated the link above (mix #2).

pull the compressor off the kick/snare and toms altogether in Superior. i think the drums are actually "mix ready" outta the box for Metal Machine (which these are). in fact, i think many here think that. i was also playing with a new compressor in the master stage. pull that and went back to my old standby - Density! actually Density III (the new mastering version.. pretty cool).

Oh! also swapped out the Mago impulse for a GuitarHack... i like the Mago, but a little to "mid-rangy".