Instrumental Metal/Video project (Bogner Überschall + Diezel Herbert)

Lasse Lammert

HCAF Blitzkrieg
Feb 12, 2009
here's the first rough version of a project I'm working on atm....
programmed drums, but I think that fits the style in this case..goal was to have ot cold, direct and menacing sounding.

It's only the first draft so far and I'm waiting for the band's comments, also do I want to change the toms and the mastering is a bit over the top atm.

and again: I'm not responsible for the video, I've just posted it cause for this project audio and video are supposed to go hand in hand. are doubletracked with the Über (the main heavy guits).
all other guitars (clean, crunch,fx etc) are Herbert
Cool! Very fat tone overall! Those guitars are much better than the ones on the band with the girl-singer!


well, different player, different guitar, different amp, different style, completely different goal.
I'm actually really satisfied with the guitarsound for that other band..think it fits the music perfectly (this guitarsound would sound wrong in that other mix)...well, taste I guess.
Dude - that guitar tone is fucking insane (actually so is the bass). Great stuff.

This is a super clear, Lasse. I'm loving the guitar tones grit/character. I'm also assuming the Bogner beat out the Herbert in the brootalz department, hence why you didn't use the Herbert's distortion channel?
yeah...the bogner beats pretty much everything when it comes to Bro0tz :)
Bass is a blend of DI track (avalon) and Vetta (Distortion), then loads of compression...and above all: VERY good player
Guitar tone is a little harsh, but you can better judge that when you get vocals in there. Atm it seems like they'd clash pretty badly.

Personally I'd go with a bit more distortion on the bass but I luuuurve my distorted basses. It almost sounds like there's a slight phasing between the dist and DI tho? Just an odd kind of thinness to it.. but it sounds great anyway, I'm being picky.

I'm in two minds about the snare, it sounds awesome when solo'd with the bass (need details on that reverb! If not samples of the snare itself ;)), but in the mix its kinda a bit harsh, too natural. I think using some slight limiting, or smoother compression would help it sit better. Rest is great, very unique mix (and music, lol)
no vox, it'll be an instrumental album with a video for each song.
I wanted to get the RH Guits not thick and snmooth but really direct and in your face...kinda "oh snap, if I get to close to this machine it'll crush me" rather than "I'll drown and suffocate".
Snareverb is a combination of a bit of room from revibe, a room sample and my regular snareverb (dverb).
I'm considering a bit more distortion on the bass myself, waiting for the band's comments first...I'll also recheck for phase then...sould be fine though.

thanks for commenting
I might be the only one who thinks this, but the guitars are a bit fizzy and for that they become fatiguing after a while.