Bogner Überschall....first impressions (CLIPS!)

Lasse Lammert

HCAF Blitzkrieg
Feb 12, 2009
this thing is far beyond awesome!
just plugged it in for the first time...the tubes are ancient, the powersupply (step down) gives only 107v (the new internal transformer hasn't arrived yet), the tubes are far underbiased and I've only scratched the surface of the tones available from this beast.....
so I've explored about 30% of what this amp is capable of, and still I'm fucking blown away!
between the presence pot (which actually is more like a sweep) and the mid knob there are sooo many usable tones, even with the mids maxed it gets never honky, seems like Reinhold found the perfect center frequency for the mid pot.
whoever said it's looser than arecto has no clue, I'd say it's about as tight as a 5150 without a boost , with higher mids and presence settings it can get tighter. a TS doesn't tighten it up as much as it does with a 6505 though
the gain is usable all the way till it's maxed....
I'm fucking stoked, this will form the new unholy trinity of studioamps for me (together with the recto and the 6505).

I'm not sure if I should post clips already, cause they wouldn't even show in the slightest how great this ap will be once it's properly biased and retubed etc (not to speak of the engineers ability to dial it in ;) )

here are some clips with various settings:

chunky riff:
Bogner doubletracked
4tracked Bogner+Bogner (different settings)
4tracked Bogner+Recto
4tracked Bogner+6505

and another quadtracked Bogner one

doubtracked and tuned to Bb:


smooth high gain (gain on 2:30)

doubletracked HG

damn, this amp really is perfect for blending with a recto or 5150, isn't it

marcus' DIs:


as I said, these are FAR from what the amp actually can do, but it's the first thing I've recorded (still with the old tubes etc)...
I set the ampknobs rather random, I wasn't really looking for the best tones, but just moved them randomly back and forth to capture a variety of tones.
more and much better ones to follow
Well that's not what I wanted to hear. Thinking about the task of saving up for an Uber. So you say its tight is it aggressive, warm, have balls or crunch. And tone wise how does it compare to a 5150 and a Dual Rec?
So you say its tight is it aggressive, warm, have balls or crunch. ?

that describes it perfectly...I'd add "big" and "3d" though.

it's different thatn the rec or 5150, really has got its own wants to be dialed in differently, too...the mids should stay high (frequency wise they seem to be a bit lower but close to where the presence freq on a recto works). the presence is like a combination of low-mid and sweep knob...I'll recod something soon I hope....if I can fit it in befor eI leave to Oz.

I've got the rev2 /green model, that one's supposed to be quite different sounding from the newer ones I've heard.
So it has that throaty EL34 tone, sweet, exactly what I am looking for. Now you said it has low mids, are they balanced (warm like a rec without being wooly)? That's my big gripe about my 5150 is that it doesn't have low mid warmth (it just gets wooly) and it has no crunch

I have always had this massive drive to want to play an Uberschall, but I've never even seen one in the flesh. This makes me want to try one even more.

Yes, bring it with you! I'll go to Brisbane just to hang out haha.
I must say I definitely prefer the clips of pure Uberschall over the blends. :kickass: But perhaps that's just because I think the Uberschall is the best sounding amp on earth. :p

From all the clips I've heard I've found that some of the qualities I've appreciated the most were: Powerchords with just the octaves being played seem to have an almost electric quality to them. There is a particular fizz (in a good way) that adds a pleasant warmth to the tone. Also with the gain/distortion at a respectable level (although not too low :p) it seems to sound tighter and absolutely crushing with palm mutes. :headbang:

That and it's low gain tones as well as it's cleans sound really good IMO. :)
Yeah there's a guitarist over this way who swears by this amp, and he sold his 3-chan Dual Recto in favor of it instantly. Sounds pretty cool. I always dug the Ecstacy myself for fat rock and lead tones.
Sounds great dude. I was always intrigued, yet a bit turned off by the Uber because there are so many SHIT clips floating around that make it sound like a scooped turd. That sounds great though! I really want to try one of these.

This was with the tubescreamer, correct?

Double tracked Uber clip is fucking devastating! Goddamn I need to learn how to dial in and mic an amp properly, this is giving me huge Uberschall GAS but I can't even get my Recto or 5150 to sound good under a mic so I don't know how buying an Uber is going to help that :lol: