Bogner Überschall....first impressions (CLIPS!)

Sounds great dude. I was always intrigued, yet a bit turned off by the Uber because there are so many SHIT clips floating around that make it sound like a scooped turd. That sounds great though! I really want to try one of these.

This was with the tubescreamer, correct?


I *think* they are without a TS, as he said it's tight without one and it reacts differently to having a TS in front than a 6505 does.
I like it Lasse. It sounds great. What are the supposed differences between the Rev Green and the newer Rev 2's?


mine is a rev2 with a green PCB.
the newer ones have a blue PCB (rev blue). different gain pot taper, less bass, more mids I think. slightly different voicing.

I've added another clip to the first post...this time with a bit more gain (on 2:30)

doubletracked HG

I like it thick and juicy :)
I knew you'd like the Über!

I've never had more fun toying with an amp than with the Über. Maybe, one day, I'll get one too.
Sounds AWESOME. :)

Did you use the Mesa Recto cab?

Can you give more details about the mic, mic pre and AD?
Christ that sounds like liquid gold. I already knew I'd like it, but I love hearing it raw!
man, I've just retubed it with all fresh tubes and biased it correctly....
compared to how it sounded before (in these clips) it's like 100% better now...can't wait to post some new clips.