Instrumental rock song needs opinions!


Bam Bam Boogie Bear!
Jun 11, 2010
Tallahassee, Fl
so i decided to take a step in a different direction and record a rock song i wrote about 3 years ago. its my first time recording something of this style, and id like some opinions if y'all are willing to share :D and yes i know that the drum intro sounds like fall out boy, it fit at the moment, and i was just too lazy to fix it.

so go ahead, bash me or applaud me.
Probably because it's so awesome...

But seriously, this is really nice. Only complaint is I feel the kick and snare are pumping slightly? I could be wrong though.
Dude, Im diggin it. The guitar tones sound awesome. Info on those? and i agree with the pumping on the snare and kick pumping. Maybe try blending another sample with the snare too it seems like its kinda clipping too much and is kind of harsh. Maybe a personal preference thing. But dude i really like it!
thanks guys! and yea the drums are probably pumping because i need to learn more about mastering and all that. im thinking a failed use of the limiter :p
The guitar tones sound awesome. Info on those?

and my guitar chain goes as follows:

DI > TSS > Le456 (for clean and overdrive) > LeCab > impulses, then just a little compression. dual tracked each rhythm part, single tracked leads with a slight stereo enhancer. bass track is actually a pitch shifted guitar (until i can get my bass fixed).