Instrumental tune

I like the theme/melody. Reminds me of late 80's /early 90's instrumental rock ala Vinnie Moore or Joey Tafolla type melodies. I think for the vibe and melody, the tone is a bit too harsh. Almost sounds fuzzy at some points. Needs to sound smoother. Other than that really good!
You can scoop the lead guitar because sounds a bit harsh. Search between 800hz and 2khz and make a cut.

I tried a same kind of sound a few time ago just to test a sound for solos.

As you can hear, the solo in the clean section is scooped in order to become more smoother.
Thanks dude. But your mix doesnt sounds bad but needs some work. I like the drums, sounds natural. Add a bass and work the lead tone a little more and you will have a good mix.
Thank you guys for your help!I've changed the impulse and EQ a little and also I turned down the gain and presence.Anyone interested to record or to program bass guitar for the tune?(for those who will try to record or program from 00:04 to 00:24 I want full notes and from 00:43 to the beginning of the fast solo I want bass solo on the high strings,something to blend with the guitar solo_On the second section of the song, from 00:21 to 00:43 and on the fast solo section of the song you can do whatever you want but to be in feel and style of the song)I hope you'll understand.Tempo is 100!Thanks!