Intentional backround static on A Fair Judgment between 3:48 and 4:30


El Jefe
Dec 1, 2001
Visit site
Have any of you noticed this static.

Its the same type of static you hear when you play a record(vinyl) I think its nice how they added that in the background of that little acoustical piece, giving it more character which is always nice.;)


Nope didnt notice....but Peter Lindgren on that interview on the radio in australia....said they kept the recording simple and he said it almost sounds like an old recording like from 1970
so there u go :smile:
Yeah, Dream Theater did that trick on Metropolis Part II and Nevermore did it on Dead Heart in A Dead World. Good effect. I take back the problems I had earlier with Deliverance. I love it now. Those silly challenging, fun-loving guys in Opeth, I'm tellin' ya.
my cousin's band had a cd out and they did that effect, except not as subtle and it actually made a listener wish he had the CD instead of the vinyl.. until remembering that it was the cd, and the effect was just a pretentious ploy to take your attention off the substandard guitar work. luckily opeth did it right.
Originally posted by SunlapseVertigo
"In Mist She Was Standing" is a real medieval sounding song....

That's why I love it so much :). The whole of Orchid has this 'old' sound to me.. the lyrics also (incoherent babble in verses, yummy). I also like it because it sounds straight-up metal aswell.