Interested in Orange Rockerverbs, any thoughts?


Harris Snyder
Dec 5, 2009
Toronto, Canada
Hey guys,

So I just heard some of Swallow the Sun's "Hope" album and my mind is officially blown. The guitar sound on that record feels very close to something that I'm looking for for my own progressive doom project. I heard that this album was done with rockerverbs and a powerball, so I thought i'd check out the rockerverbs. I know I don't like the way the powerball sounds, so if it blended really well with the orange I might pay for reamps with it for this record, but I definately wouldn't buy it.

The orange on the other hand, I'd always thought of them as ballsier marshalls.. I didn't realize they could produce the sheer skull-cracking chaos of "Hope". Having looked into them a bit, I'm pretty interested, the range of tones seems impressive, and the cabs are wonderful. However, I'm a bit confused by all the different models (Mk I vs Mk II, 50 vs 100). Which of the different models seem the best for metal?

My gut is telling me that the MkI 50 Watt with 6V6 tubes is interesting, but also that either of the 100 Watters (MkI or MkII) would also stomp for metal stuff. Dunno how the 6V6s would stack up, though obviously they're different than the EL34s. I tend to prefer the sound of 4 power tubes over the sound of 2, but that applies more to marshalls and stuff that I crank and play that way.

Any general thoughts?
I just ordered a Rockerverb 100 MKII head from Thomann under 5min ago. So take a guess what my thoughts are. :D I didn't give the 50 watt versions any thoughts after seeing that the 100 watt version is only 100€ more expensive.

This is not "the ideal amp for metal" although it's very capable of doing so. Have you read about the Thunderverbs? They have more gain and more scoopage. I bought the Rockerverb because I need poprock tones in most cases and I don't play brootz... More like the type of nu-metal that makes metal players call me a fag and music listeners think I worship satan. Great success!!

People are always comparing Oranges with Marshalls (and apples too) but I don't really hear the similarity. Orange is a lot more modern. Oranges actually have a clean channel that's clean. Marshall clean channels tend to sound like a drunk duck.

Ola's take on it:
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So you were ordering that literally as I was typing the post... Creepy. Lol. Well, thanks for the input. And hey, we're hard on nu metal, but really, its 1000x better than most electro-slutpop and gangsta rap.

I saw Ola's vid, and liked it. But Ola's style is very different from mine, so I found it hard to guage. Plus, that man could make a death metal record with a twin reverb, so you know..

Have heard of thunderverbs, but I was specifically interested in the rockerverb as supposedly they're capable of that sound I'm talking about specifically. I'm not after scoopage really. I mean theres scooped and then theres SCOOPED, but I can't say I'm a scooper.
The Rockerverb's a great amp. It is a slower and less broootal than your average "modern high gain" amp, but in a good way.
It has present and thick mids that have a certain quality to them. I used it quite a few times on records with a more punk/HC feel, where things don't have to be super precise.
Have a listen too this one. 2 tracks Orange Rockerverb 50.

It's the song "Mai Tai" (hope the link works)
I don't even care how it sounds but if it makes boobies do this I'll play Orange:

Haha... well Borland is better known as a Recto guy from the millenium era, but since he's used Diezels and Bogners and as of late Oranges. He used the Rockerverb 100 a long time but on this new album he used the Thunderverb.
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The Rockerverb's a great amp. It is a slower and less broootal than your average "modern high gain" amp, but in a good way.

Yeah my greatest fear is that it will lack "brutality". Though I'm finding that term to be somewhat subjective. My band does not do a lot of super fast riffing, but to me the really heavy "brutal" feel comes from hard hit chords and sliding octaves, rather than a billion notes in a second. I want the amp to really explode when I dig in, I generally play slow riffs very hard. I know that the recto does NOT really do that, whereas the 5150 is a bit better (for me). I also love uberschalls and all the clips of the Earforce two. It sounds like it has that quality.

If the orange can explode with that growly quality (again, listen to that swallow the sun record), then I think it would be a good fit.
For me brutality comes from low-end that rips your tits off. Generally speaking, I find the faster someone is playing, the muddier they get, hence the need for less low-end (tubescreamer usage) which for me directly results in less br00tz.