Orange 4x12 FTW


Aug 2, 2007
Recorded a band yesterday tuned to A.
The Orange 4x12 sounded much better/tighter than the Mesa recto 4x12.
We tried both and there was no doubt the orange was better.
I was surprised as I don't use the orange for metal stuff that often.
6505 both sides and laney left, triamp right blended under the 6505.
57 centre and 421 edge of different cones into Phoenix DRS-Q4 with a bit of 3K boost and 400 cut. Order Of Lies.mp3
Both of those cabs rock. You can't go wrong either way and there is no "general better" when speaking of tone. :) Anyways... Orange has more trebly sizzle and Mesa has a lot of low end which doesn't suit all amps.
IMO that tone you've got there isn't balanced. I'd love to hear more middle. It doesn't really sound like high end gear to me. Might be just me though.
The Orange has more low end than the Mesa. I have both.
The mesa has more mid range where the Orange is a bit more scooped.
The Orange suited the sound the band were after better than the Mesa.
The band were very happy with the sound so that is the important thing.:loco:
Lots of conflicting opinions here. I've always thought the Orange cabs are much darker and more middy (actually, pretty honky) than the Recto cabs. I wouldn't say the Orange has more low end... It's just really muffled and bassy sounding in general... wasn't a big fan of my orange cab, really...
The (my) Orange cab has more low end "sag" where the recto is tighter would be the best way of describing it. For tight riffy metal (the usual sneap forum stuff) the recto would probably work better but for this band the squishy low end of the Orange was much better.

To RandomOne, of course the drums are real mixed with a bit of kick/snare samples. It is not supposed to be a tight sounding mix. The band wanted a sludgy/saggy low end rather than a tight super clear mix.

To Josh, my Orange is not honky at all. Really smooth sounding. A bit mid scooped even compared to my recto or Marshall cabs. It is a 2 year old ppc412 with stock v30s.
A little OT, but I used to tune to A on a 7, although am now in F# as I got an 8, and the "Orange" ReCabinet IRs always seemed to sound pretty good, certainly better for the downtuned stuff at least.

Again, I know IRs are a far cry from a real cab, but that's just what I've found from personal experience.
Two Tales of Woe?

Sounds good but in my opinion it could be dirtier, more raw, the guitar tone is decent but the drums could be rawer with a more rumbly bass. Just my opionion though, I reckon this should sound more like Crowbar on "Broken Glass", it definately doesn't sound bad, I just picture it sounding differently than it does
Two Tales of Woe.
With them being tuned to A I had to pull some low mid out of the bass because it was killing the clarity of the whole mix.
There is a good bit of heavily compressed room mic in the drum tarck but maybe it could do with more.
We tracked and mixed in 1 day so I didn't have too long to spend on the mix.
I will check out some Crowbar stuff before they come back. They are big fans.