Interesting article on the music industry

The guy makes a valid point, but this only really applies to the major labels. I've never heard of an indie label that charges the advertising and promotion costs back to the band. I'm sure there are some out there, but they're rare and worth avoiding.

There's no real reason for a metal band to sign to a major label. If you look at the examples of bands who have grown from the extreme metal scene and jumped ship to a major, this is usually the beginning of the end for them. The bands discover that the A&R guys want to mould them in a certain way and 9 times out of 10 they'll actually sell less records.

Why? Because if you're a priority act on an independent label, everyone from the promo staff through to the distributors (usually indie) will be pushing for those sales. On a Major label, your release is going to up against the latest Whitney or Mariah records, and is being sold to shops by a promo department who doesn't understand you and distributors who don't give a shit.

I could mention a few bands who jumped ship to major labels purely on the advise of their managers. These will be the same managers who take 10-15% gross of everything the band earns. So, when the $250,000 major label advance comes in, the manager takes his (or her) share, and the band are left to make an album and buy on to big tours with what's left over... It's worth noting that the manager doesn't have to wait until the album has recouped before getting their cut. So, as far as I'm concerned, unless your band gets so big that dealing with the day to day issues becomes impossible, or that you simply can't be bothered, management are superfluous too.
