Interesting Statistics about (Legal) Music Downloads

Music has certainly dropped in quality over the years. It's been dumbed down to the point where it's as easy to make a song as it is to make fucking pancakes... they all follow the same recipe.

However, there are still a few golden bands out there that, despite this, make kick ass music even in today's pissy industry.

Haven't we beaten this silly idea enough over the last few weeks?

You're making the huge mistake of comparing *everything* from today (which is about eighteen metric fucktons, approaching 19 quickly) with the gems of whatever time period you're looking at for comparison. You're comparing everything around right now with some of the best stuff that past times produced.

If you saw the stuff that people in the 70s looked at in the way we look at scene-mall-crabcore or empty-headed clipboard pop, you'd shut right the fuck up. If you don't believe me, find any random wanker over the age of about 50 who has recordings of the 'cool' band he was in when he was a kid, and once you're done trying not to sass him and getting the fuck off his lawn you'll see exactly where your sentiment went completely and totally wrong.

Thirty years from now some other kid will blather away about how music around in his time is nothing like what guys like Devin Townsend were putting out back in the 'good old days', and guess what? He'll be a clueless twat as well.

This general idea has been expressed in one form or another by every generation for as long as we've had any idea what the previous generation was up to in its prime. It has also been completely and totally fucking wrong since that same time. Quit making excuses and working off biased samples, and go make some decent music.

(Oh, and get the fuck off my lawn... you uppity kids and your shenanigans...)
