interesting story about veruca salt and me being a boy


you are the bullshit
Jan 7, 2003
the south
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so in high school i was always aware of veruca salt but i didn't like or really even pay much attention to music so i didn't ever buy anything by them. but i did tape 120 minutes every week. in college, i rediscovered those old tapes, praising my former brilliance-despite-apathy. it was fun to catch up on my indie rock favs from 1995 but one thing i noticed was, in a veruca salt video, "shutterbug," that these girls were totally smoking hot. particularly "louise." so anyway, thanks to the $1.99 bin at princeton record exchange and the $3 bin at tunes, i snapped up virtually veruca's entire discography. it was never anything special, but i was reminded of pretty girls. so whatever. a few years later, 2000 maybe? 2001 probably, veruca salt toured with a new line-up. so my friend brendan and i both got around to asking each other if we wanted to go, unsure if the other would find it 'lame' that we wanted to go see veronica salt. so anyway we did

keep in mind that i had this image of this totally amazingly gorgeous girl from the records and the video for "shutterbug" (which is kind of a trip in itself) and was expecting something that would be nice to at least "go see" (i am a boy!)...

anyway, since she reformed veruca salt louise post had gained like 150 pounds and her stage presence resembled nothing short of Rosanne Barr's. I'm serious, it was obnoxious and pseudo-sexy, to the point where she licked her fingers and rubbed her tits over her frock in the middle of a guitar solo. "downright frightening" is a much better way of describing how she appeared on stage.

to better illustrate my point,
this is what i was expecting (on right):


and this is what i got (on microphone):


the moral of the story is, never go to a show strictly because of the sex appeal of one of the singers.

also, "shutterbug" is actually a really awesome song.

this post has been brought to you by tar
you guys didn't like this post? also this post was prompted by my listening to "shutterbug" on "8 arms to hold you" like 5045 times yesterday. that song seriously THUNDERS
well it worked YESTERDAY you ungrateful dick but since it apparantly does no longer i have had to scramble to find an adequate replacement.

you guys didn't like this post?

I was just addressing this question. I like the post fine but I tend to be more fond of threads that I don't have to go searching the source for the URLs of images to get the point, that's all. Why ask if you don't want an answer?

Josh and Nick did a post the other day that was a whole mess of red x's with commentary and jake commented that the thread would have been better had the pictures worked, and no one bellowed "dick" at him.

Also maybe you are kidding so I will now stop taking you seriously because I probably look silly right now.