interesting story about veruca salt and me being a boy

I have a theory that the population of fat girls would drastically decrease if there were no black guys to find their powdery, fatness enticing.

what's up with black dudes and white girls whose asses look like they have been sitting in a gravel driveway for several hours?
The Japanese authorities had a wonderful idea to cut down on filth and smut: strict laws regarding visual media. Penises were disallowed, as were depictions of pubic hair. Several such laws were enacted in the assurance that one day Japan would be a morally sound society.

The clever Japanese pervert/animators followed the law, all right. The simply removed pubic hair from all their characters, which incidentally gave them the appearance of schoolchildren. Instead of penises, they created demons with penis-like tentacles, and it wasn't long before tentacle rape become synonymous with Japan in world discourse. So the legislators found that their fretting over Japanese perversity simply made the situation far worse.

So it is with tar.