Internal Bleeding - Onward to Mecca


Forest: Sold Out
Jul 5, 2003
Internal Bleeding – Onward to Mecca
Olympic Recordings – September 7th, 2004
By Jason Jordan


Internal Bleeding have been an entity since the early ‘90’s. Thus, it’s not shocking that their sound retains qualities that were first expressed in said decade. Onward to Mecca is, however, the epitome of the mixed bag; often compositions are pleasurable romps or tedious meanderings.

“Bleed by Example” is a fairly good introduction to the band, as this song is rhythmically interesting. Intrepid drumming alongside chunky riffs makes for a riveting listen. “Siege in the Clouds,” while a cool title, fails to garner much accreditation, due to its cheesy, soporific midsection. Bass interludes compliment certain parts of the track nicely, and tend to lift “Siege in the Clouds” from utter worthlessness. “Infidel” chases with its propensity for abrasive rhythms and subsequent respectability. Check the 1:10 mark for a well-executed transition. “Far Above You” and “Hatefuel” are easily skippable, while “Arm Our Youth” and “Contamination” rise above to become requisite samplings.

The most recognizable fault with Onward to Mecca is its tendency to drone on without conveying much integrity. Conversely, there are a few songs on here that totally merit undivided attention. But, it’s difficult to muster interest when the product is as varied in quality as this. Even at thirty-seven minutes in length I found myself getting bored.


Official Internal Bleeding website
Official Olympic Recordings website
They are an extremely punishing and brutal band live, the epitome of NYHC crossed with NYDM. However, their singer was a goof with his political rantings. "Here's a song about killing Muslims," he said. I could have taken it once, but he said it infront of most of the songs. :loco: If he feels that strongly about it, why the fuck isn't he over in the Middle East doing the deed instead of talking about it? He looks like a strapping young lad of military age. He also went off on John Kerry. If he would have kept his mouth shut, I would have got a hell of a lot more out of the show. Still a killer band live.