Internet Metal Band


New Metal Member
Jun 27, 2004
Hello all!

Im a bassplayer but most of all songwriter from Sweden, and I love music (both creating, playing and listening to) so of course I want to have a band... but where i live, that is almost impossible, its a very little town, and its too far to any big city. So, one day when discussing with some internet friends, we came up with the idea of creating a band on the internet... how you ask? well, playing together would be quite impossible (although thats a goal in the future) but recording songs would work we thought... everyone records their piece at home and then send it via internet or snailmail to someone who will mix it together. We began this project about 6 months ago, but still we havent gotten to record a full song... mostly because we have had troubles finding a guitar player, and with that i mean a guitar player who had recording gear and most of all time for it... So, here I am wondering if any good players are interrested in this project. The music is heavy metal with influences from many other genres, but basically its Maiden influenced, which you will hear in a couple of midis down below. Im playing the bass and some keyboards, another guy is sequencing drums (very realistic ones) and keyboards and then we have a singer (actually we have two but I only need one hehe)
So? anyone up for it? and most of all, have the recording gear and time? the last two has proved to be very vital... anyway, here are some songs, 5 of them are complete (more or less anyway) and then some halfdone songs.

Dawn Of Man
Fatal Mistake
Fire Scramble
The Watchtower
Catcher In The Rye

A Look Back (Tomorrows Eyes)
Out Of Control
A Liberation Opus (Set Me Free)

You have to download them (rightclick on them etc) to listen to them.

Hope theres someone who would like to join us :rock:
Sorry I can't help since I'm a bassplayer too, but there is some great guitar players here so maybe they are interested. Btw, I listened to few of those songs and they sounded pretty nice, so good luck with the project. :)
Id love to do it (i have the same problem as you, there are some people here who play but they all suck) but unfortunately I suck at guitar, have shitty equipment, and have no recording equipment.

EDIT: im listening to fire scramble now and it kicks ass
Listened to some of the tunes, definitely some interesting material there. I haven't been in the power metal scene for at least 4 years now, so it's definitely more light-hearted and up-beat than I'm used to. I'd like to try my hand at a more "romeo-esque" approach to music...

I'm a 7-string guitarist, classical pianist, composer/arranger, audio engineer and producer, based in Montreal, Quebec (South-Eastern Canada).
I'd like to see if we can work together, but there would definitely be certain conditions that would have to be met in order for this to function.

I have the skill, creativity, recording knowledge and equipment, but time is low. I run a technical metal band, I'm in a Dream Theater tribute band, and I have two jobs other than my own production work. :ill:

Contact me and we'll discuss.

MSN Messenger:
This is a great idea, and one ive had myself, and am trying to put into effect; but im a bassist as well(!), so if theres any spare guitarists/keys players left over, send em my way!
I had about the same idea, but with some kind of internet chat-program.
(teamspeak perhaps )
So we could do "live-playing".

But I don't have equipment for it atm;
I have enough of money, but I must still buy the equipment.

I'm also a guitarist
hey i dont have good recording equipment but i am a guitarist. i dont like learning stuff by ear but i will if i have to. i use a tabbing program called guitar pro. if you have this software i would be glad to learn these songs and do some recording with you guys. go to music and at the bottom are some of my newest songs and you can hear my guitar recording quality. i also have a lot of time due to the fact that my other band mates are working or are lazy.
Hmm sounds interesting. I can record at home and play the guitar, check my site and mail me at if you like what I do.

Here's a little piece of guitarwork I recorded over a Vinnie Moore-backingtrack in like half an hour, it's not mixed properly and most of it is improvisation, but it's for the idea :

At the Media-section of my site you'll find more stuff. Check out the Symmetry-songs (Dark Horizons was written by myself at home using Cubase and later the band played their parts in their own way)

Let me know if you're interested in me :)

