internet radio....opinions


Sep 30, 2005
Having a talk with Jason and a few others about this the past week. It seems more and more are popping up. What does everyone think....does it allow just anyone to be a voice....what are some good ones....honestly I am not really a fan. Thoughts....
It's a tough sell since there are a million of them

I think it something that COULD be cool if you get a constant fanbase.
Or if you had some niche programming
(Ie - local band hour, NWOBHM hour, demo tracks only hour)
I used to listen to all day at work for about 10 years. It was cool because anyone listening could request songs and if you were a paid member you could do 5 song blocks, so it was like having your own mini radio shows throughout the day. Then there were the weekly recorded radio shows like the Old School Metal Show (2 hours of NWOBHM) or Metal Lessons Radio, which I actually had a regular segment on for a while. However, I stopped listening because the station really lost its focus and now there is way more new music, plus the new music is stuff I wouldn't choose to listen to like Volbeat and Halestorm. It helped that I could upload my own music so I put some High Spirits up there and of course loads of obscure 80s metal, but if I'm the only one requesting it then I may as well listen to my own collection instead.
Yeah...if it is something cool like that were it is a select genre like Jason pointed out or just music. It seems now tons of internet DJ's are popping up all over the place. There seems to be no order to things and no skills on interviews for most. I have heard some good ones. My thing like Keir said....I have enough music here to listen to at all times and even with youtube you can try out new bands. I was just wondering if anyone actually made it a point to tune in to a certain show or anything.
Not me at all.
When most shows are on is when I am not listening to music
(Usually between prime time TV hours)

I mainly listen to tunes at work and in the car.

Secondly , I agree. The interviews are mostly a train wreck.
totally....I would rather listen to one of the thousand CD's I have listened to than some show trying to push a friends band. I have heard some good interviews out there. Most are a train wreck sadly. No knowledge of who they are talking to, or even know what kind of style of metal the band is even.

It seems internet radio has turned into a hobby of sorts for some. Almost like the old zine days in the 90's. Everyone had one. Few were any good. With limited free time I would rather listen to what I want to hear than what someone else is trying to make me listen to. Do people even listen to radio anymore if they don't have to?
I still like internet radio in theory, but right now there is nothing I listen to. Back in the late 80s/early 90s I had a list of all the local metal shows and there were 3 I would listen to every week. Did either of you Chicago guys listen to Real Precious Metal on WVVX?
Kier - of course man!!! Scott Loftus and Glen the Phone Man!!!

I heard so many bands for the first time on WVVX.

There is actually a local cover band here called VVX
Just not for me. Then again, neither was regular radio even when it was around. This is mostly due to the fact thought that I like listening to albums. Hardly ever do I randomize stuff, so the format just isn't something I would gravitate towards.
I like internet radio when there is a lot of commentary between a host and a co-host. Having an established relationship between these two hosts and watching them joke and talk about shit is what I really go for, who gives a shit about the music they play. I've listened to a lot of the Metal Enema radio shit over the years only to hear the banter between the two.
i'm at a lost with this whole internet radio idea. More power to the people that do it, and if they play my stuff well I appreciate it. But do people actually listen to internet radio? And why would they?
Over the past eight years or show all I have really noticed with internet radio is; terrible sound, poorly conducted interviews, "djs" who barely seem to know they bands they play, talk about, or talk to. Then viewing their chatrooms it is always a couple of people and that is it, and alway the same couple of people. So I ask is there any merit and does anyone listen? I have NEVER met a single person who has said to me that they listen to internet radio.
Actually we need to clear up something; there is much of a difference within internet radio as there is between internet radio and real radio (yes I will always refer to what I did as real radio, on the airwaves baby) But these "stations out there doing the underground metal thing should not be confused with Siruis, XM Radio, etc - I can see a merit for these. As for some others I often feel that they may just be a waste of time and often do more harm than good.
Now I'm sure this does not apply to all, but for the most part it does seem that I'm spot on. Again more power to whomever wants to do this, and whomever is into internet radio.
I do think that the concept is neat in theory just the delivery is far from being perfect.

Did someone mention reviewers?:lol: