
some of this information is extremely helpful especially about throwing in your two cents in front of your boss infront of clients etc, ive been trying to get an internship somewhere but my town sucks studio-wise,

i go to school studying music production and technology, and i know alot of people opinions here from a recent thread about it and how it may be a waste of time and money but i am constantly trying to build a portfolio of work, and im kind of getting there, i know not to rely on what my degree will say about me, but so far ive only gotten one gig interning with my recording tutor who owns one of the two small studios in the town, but i enjoyed the experiance because it was a 40+ member brass band and we recorded on location in church, sure i did alot of the work metioned above such as setting up mics and being to gobetween from the conductor to my tutor but i didnt complain or be bored once,

sorry for the hi-jack, good luck getting work OP :D
An internship at a studio that involves actually doing audio work? Good luck

Maybe it's just my luck, but unfortunately, any internship I've done or heard about at studios has not involved any audio work. I was lucky if I got to even watch a session.
Kinda OT but lots of studios here in Colorado offer interships but you have to pay them. Any idea why? Why would I pay someone to do their work? Yea I understand I will learn alot but paying them 3k for two months is a little over the top IMO