Interview about the Unholy Alliance Tour, Berlin Nov 2008

I know, I know, I heard... it wasnt really serious ;)
at least they can break the way they want, as long as they come back to kick our asses...

just had a look on my RockHard DVD. They have an Interview with Matt (Trivium), Tom (Slayer), and Johan about Unholy Alliance Tour...
we all know that Johan is a really big guy, but sitting next to Tom Araya makes him look like a Monster... take a look at this

hah, cool interview, that was better than the one with all 3 bands

You could hear the seasons in the abyss sound check in the background.

Rhonda you can still get tickets some places ive heard for wacken, but the general idea is that its sold out. Were you thinking of going?
I have found a couple of websites where they dont charge too much on top of the ticket price.

I am waiting for the Download lineup to be announced. If something decent actually headlines I will go to Download, because it is far more convenient to drive down to England rather than getting a plane.

But Wacken is my first choice, for the music. :kickass:And I can see some friends from uni while I am in Germany, so added bonus.
I hope !! Then I have the problem to drive to Wacken :lol:

Will You be There, DamageInc. ?
Or someone else from the forum ?

I wont ever be on Wacken, still sucks to me. there are loads of festivals with better bands and better Area that are waaaaay cheaper and smaller...
80 fuckin thousand people... thats way too huge to me...

I will be on Summer breeze and With full force this Year. :kickass::kickass: