Interview with Dave Murray on the NY Post

I have to disagree with what Dave said about us fans being against an "MTV Unplugged" appearance and album. I mean, okay, there would hardly be any screaming guitars, but it would be something special and still MAIDEN!!!


I think the main problem here is that MTV will hardly be interested in IRON MAIDEN for an unplugged session. They hardly ever play them anyways and I can't imagine that MTV would EVER give them that kind of exposure. :(
smylex said:
What do you mean, "become so lame"? MTV was always lame.

Nooo, back in the 80's they were great! Of course there was nothing else like it to compare it to, but it was much better then than it is now.

I hear they are getting P Diddy to perform for the Slayer "Icons" show....
MTV has forgotten that the "M" in "MTV" stands for MUSIC!!!
We want clips, we want music and not a bunch of moderators who can't stop talking or dating shows or... well you get the idea.

They should just show the clips and an interviw here and there and that's it! Hey, if they did that then they'd even have enough air time left for some real METAL!!!!
Thats why I like Fuse. It is what Mtv would be if it wasn't for the 16 year old demographic that seems to own the station. Fuse has Uraium, which is all metal, and Classic Uranium, which is old school stuff. The Metal Mistress Julia (did I mention she was hot?) does alot of interveiws and sometimes dedicates the whole show to one band, and even did an interview with Bruce Dickinson in New York that was very cool.