Interview with Hansi from Blind guardian

"If you look at “A Night at the Opera” and find that a complete change for you then we have in a sense moved away from that part of the band's past but without really thinking about it. I think “A Night at the Opera” is a consequence and development of what we have done before but that does not mean we have denied our roots or do not want to do that music anymore, its just not the time for that right now. That was the 80's and early 90's and we need to come up with something new and develop, we are progressive band and therefore it is important for us to have something different between all the albums. There was no discussion neither with or without Thomen whether we were going to do another “Imaginations from the Other Side” or “Somewhere Far Beyond”. As I said its nothing we would deny and of course you can still feel those Celtic elements in the single “Fly” or “Skalds and Shadows”. We just write the songs we are comfortable with.

Uh oh, I smell Bon Jovi Syndrome. :mad:
A friend of mine was asking a bunch of bands in Europe if they would be interested in doing a package tour in the States, like a festival thing, a mini ProgPower everywhere, Haha . I mean that would be great and think it would be a great success as well.

That would rule.
No-Mercy said:
i thought that too when heard it from somewhere else, but since hansi said it himself maybe its not too far off.

Hansi himself said that A Night at the Opera would be released in 2001, and that this new album would be released in late 2005/early '06. DON'T BELIEVE HIS LIES.