Interview with Jonah 2008

Thorns On My Grave

I Am Vengeance
Mar 20, 2006
Alameda, California
This is an interview I did w/Jonah a few days ago. Props and many thanks to him for taking the time to do this, as it was a big one!


Greetings Jonah, this is Marc Garrison representing Powerline A.D, currently an internet based webzine and daily blog. Thank you for taking the time to do this interview, I know you yourself have quite a full schedule with the upcoming release of Pyramaze’s third full length album as well as your own various projects.

Marc: So let’s just go ahead and start out with the basics. You are the keyboardist for Pyramaze, a Danish/American Progressive-Power Metal band, and have been since the band’s inception. Progressive-Power? Is this accurate?

Jonah: This is true. Pyramaze has been my greatest pride and joy, as well as the backbone of my life both as a musician and on a personal level.

Marc: What is your role in the creation/writing process of the band’s music? Has it increased or remained relatively the same across the three albums?

Jonah: Well, my role in the band is to take the foundation that Michael has written, and basically compose orchestration that both compliments the guitar and drum work, in addition to creating a mood for the vocals. I think my keyboards are the glue that makes the heaviness and melody stick together. Matt and I have spoken recently while he was working out his vocal arrangements and melodies, and he was telling how much the keyboards have influenced what he has written. When we did Melancholy Beast, I wasn't in the full swing of utilizing orchestration as a tool as much, but with the Legend of the Bone Carver, it all came together and we realized how powerfully the strings complimented the rest of the music. I also am responsible for writing all the instrumental songs in Pyramaze. When I am composing that stuff I am heavily influenced by epic movie soundtracks and things of that nature.

Marc: How is it working with musicians on the other side of the world? I noticed you flew to Denmark to record the new album. Was it the same for MB and LOTBC?

Jonah: Yes, and I will always fly there to do my job. I really think being able to physically separate myself from my life in such a dramatic fashion, has helped me find that emotional space I need to be in to give it my best. When I am there I am able to completely forget about all of my worries and cares that exist here, and live solely in the realm that the beauty and spirituality of Denmark provides for me. The families of all the other guys in the band have taken me in, and helped me feel welcome and at home.

Marc: The metal community was stunned when Pyramaze announced the return of Matt Barlow to the metal scene in the form of vocalist of Pyramaze. In a strange turn of events, it appears that the upcoming album titled “Immortal” will be the only collaboration between Barlow and Pyramaze as he has decided to return to Iced Earth. Do you have any thoughts/feelings/comments on the whole affair?

Jonah: I have my feelings about the whole situation, some of them mixed. I think it is best, as with anything, to focus on the positive side of things. We are very lucky to have Matt on board, even if for just one album. The title of "Immortal" remains symbolic for us because we will always be a solid unit as a band, Pyramaze will forge onward.

Marc: The band’s upcoming album is titled “Immortal.” Any insight as to the nature of this choice?

Jonah: I think Michael has decided to call the album "Immortal" because he feels as passionately as the rest of us do about the band. No bump in the road, be it large or small will stop us. We make music for ourselves and our loyal fans will always be there, regardless of who is singing.

Marc: It seems fitting, as Barlow’s presence on the album will certainly make it a unique one.

Jonah: Absolutely. You can fully expect Matt to pour his heart and soul into the recording of this record. This album will stand the test of time, and we all believe in it.

Marc: It is extremely early to tell, but any ideas as to the new vocalist?

Jonah: It's way to early to tell at this point. We have had many singers approach us, but we will continue to keep our options open for the time being. For now we must focus up "Immortal" and getting out there.

Marc: Touring is very minimal with this group. Given the situation of Matt’s departure, is there any possibility of a tour to support Immortal, even if it is with another vocalist?

Jonah: We could never rule anything out. I think it all just depends on how things play out.

Marc: As a HUGE fan of Pyramaze’s work (indeed, one of my all time favorite bands), Immortal is one of my most anticipated albums ever. How does the new material differ from the first two releases?

Jonah: I see it as some sort of combination of the first two records, but maybe a bit heavier, maybe a little darker.

Marc: Many feel that Pyramaze could make huge leaps and bounds in the metal scene if that were the goal of the band. Is Pyramaze ever going to explode, do world tours, music videos, and so forth, or is that not the goal of the band?

Jonah: I've always felt that we could really get big as well. However, I think we are all comfortable in our shoes at the moment. We aren't doing this to get huge, we are just making music as we see fit because we love it and it defines who we are in an artistic form. We would never want to lose our identity and our passion for it, and I think the industry is very capable of sucking the soul right out of that mentality.

M: Post release of Immortal, what does the immediate future hold for Pyramaze?

Jonah: Well hopefully we will get to play some festivals and stuff next summer. Regardless of recent events, we are still hungry to try out these new songs live.

Marc: Are we ever going to see that DVD with Lance? Maybe an entirely new one in the distant future, with more material to work with?

Jonah: I would say not likely at this time. I don't really think there is a point this late in the game.

Marc: It would have been amazing to see Matt do interpretations of Lance’s vocal lines. What Lies Beyond or Legend? Until We Fade Away? You get the point.

Marc: Any chance of Lance returning?

Jonah: Absolutely not.

Marc: You have a couple projects of your own worth mentioning. I am particularly fond of your Piano based project “Dance of the Mourning Child.”
What inspired this one?

Jonah: I have always been more of a keyboard player then a piano player publicly. I decided to record an album of piano based instrumental material and self-release it. I was born and raised in the Green Mountains of Vermont, and I wanted to write music to pay tribute to this place, which I consider to be the most beautiful place in the world. It's also an homage to my Father, who has always been there for me and supported my musical dreams since I was a small child.

Marc: It is beautiful music.

Jonah: Thanks man. I also have a new band I am assembling called "Structure of Inhumanity." It is kind of a mixture of Swedish style Melodic Death Metal and Heavy/Power metal. The debut will be coming out soon and was co produced by James Murphy (Disincarnate, Death, Testament etc) and Peter Wichers (ex-Soilwork).

Marc: Sounds promising!

Marc: Pyramaze is an incredible group. It is my sincerest hope you guys keep going for as long as you have metal in your hearts.

Jonah: That will be forever my friend.

Marc: Thanks so much for your time!

Jonah: My pleasure bro. I also want to give a shout-out to all the incredibly loyal Pyrawarriors on the Pyramaze board at IcedDog, GuitarRage99, Xendra, Thorns on my Grave, UncleSlam, The Other Grinder, The Wicked One, Jason369, paranoidmexican009, Caduceus Follower, DayBreaker, Solon, Trevor Lane, Carbon, Archeleos, disciple777, Korruption, KupoBarlow, and anyone else I forgot (I'm sorry). I love you guys! -Jonah W-
The title of "Immortal" remains symbolic for us because we will always be a solid unit as a band, Pyramaze will forge onward.

Jonah: I see it as some sort of combination of the first two records, but maybe a bit heavier, maybe a little darker.

Marc: Are we ever going to see that DVD with Lance? Maybe an entirely new one in the distant future, with more material to work with?

Jonah: I would say not likely at this time. I don't really think there is a point this late in the game.

Marc: Any chance of Lance returning?

Jonah: Absolutely not.

Nice read.
These are the good and interesting things that got my attention.
Nicely done Thorns :)

And Jonah even mentioned us ...thanks man :waah:

I wonder if among those singers (that approached pyramaze) there are any guys known in the metal scene. Would be interesting to look into that.
Maybe they should make a Pyramaze-idols edition :lol: Pyradols :ill:
Great interview Thorns! There were lots of interesting stuff in there, I respect Pyramaze for not letting everything that has been happening rise up into their heads too much, I think that's the quality that gives Pyramaze a big potential to be absolutely huge. A lot of great bands seem to drop out as soon as they get famous, such a pity.

The title of "Immortal" remains symbolic for us because we will always be a solid unit as a band, Pyramaze will forge onward.

Well said Jonah.
very nice interview!! :kickass:...we'll be pyrawarriors ever bro, thanks for have us in your mind ^^...and can't wait for something more!! :P:P:P:P....any Single as soon? i will have an erection with something like that xDxDxDxD

Jonah: Thanks man. I also have a new band I am assembling called "Structure of Inhumanity." It is kind of a mixture of Swedish style Melodic Death Metal and Heavy/Power metal. The debut will be coming out soon and was co produced by James Murphy (Disincarnate, Death, Testament etc) and Peter Wichers (ex-Soilwork).

Marc: Sounds promising!

promising? nah...sounds fucking' great and seriously KICK ASS! :kickass::kickass::kickass: James Murphy is a badass man :notworthy

I got mentioned too! Sweeeeeeeet. Great interview by the way, but you forgot to bug him about getting a sample of the Immortal album to tide us over :heh:.
Nice interview thorns ,
Also contains yet another teaser for the new album ....

A lot longer and i'm going to go insane :erk: ... But then again the longer they take the better it will be :lol: